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The Ballad of Ho Chi Minh

Am Ewan MacColl Cm Vote rhythm
Tone [Am]
Capo on 3rd fret
Far [Am]away across the [E]ocean
Far beyond [Am]the sea's eastern [E]rim
[Am]Lives a man who is father of the Indo-Chinese people
And his [F]name it is [Am]Ho Chi Minh
Ho, [C]Ho, Ho Chi [Am]Minh, Ho, [C]Ho, Ho Chi [Am]Minh
From Viet [Am]Bac to the SaiGon [Am]Delta
From the [Am]mountains and plains [E]below
[Am]Young and old workers, peasants and the toiling tenant farmers
Fight for [F]freedom [E]with Uncle [Am]Ho
Ho, [C]Ho, Ho Chi [Am]Minh, Ho, [C]Ho, Ho Chi [Am]Minh
Now Ho Chi [Am]Minh was a deep sea [E]sailor
He served his [Am]time out on the seven [E]seas
[Am]Work and hardship were part of his early education
Exploi- [F]tation his [Am]ABC
Ho, [C]Ho, Ho Chi [Am]Minh, Ho, [C]Ho, Ho Chi [Am]Minh
Now Ho Chi [Am]Minh came home from [E]sailing
And he [Am]looked out on his [E]native land
[Am]Saw the want and the hunger of the Indo-Chinese people
Foreign [F]soldiers on every [Am]hand
Ho, [C]Ho, Ho Chi [Am]Minh, Ho, [C]Ho, Ho Chi [Am]Minh
Now Ho Chi [Am]Minh went to the [E]mountains
And he [Am]trained a determined [E]band
[Am]Heroes all, sworn to liberate the Indo-Chinese people
Drive in- [F]vaders from the [Am]land
Ho, [C]Ho, Ho Chi [Am]Minh, Ho, [C]Ho, Ho Chi [Am]Minh
Fourteen [Am]men became a [E]hundred
A hundred [Am]thousand and Ho Chi [E]Minh
[Am]Forged and tempered the army of the Indo-Chinese people
Freedom's [F]Army of Viet [Am]Minh
Ho, [C]Ho, Ho Chi [Am]Minh, Ho, [C]Ho, Ho Chi [Am]Minh
Every [Am]soldier is a [E]farmer
Comes the [Am]evening and he grabs his [E]hoe
[Am]Comes the morning he swings his rifle on his shoulder
This the [F]army of Uncle [Am]Ho.
Ho, [C]Ho, Ho Chi [Am]Minh, Ho, [C]Ho, Ho Chi [Am]Minh
From the [Am]mountains and the [E]jungles
From the [Am]ricelands and the Plain of [E]Reeds
[Am]March the men and the women of the Indo-Chinese Army
Planting [F]freedom with vict'ry [Am]seeds.
Ho, [C]Ho, Ho Chi [Am]Minh, Ho, [C]Ho, Ho Chi [Am]Minh
From Viet [Am]Bac to the SaiGon [E]Delta
Marched the [Am]armies of Viet [E]Minh
[Am]And the wind stirs the banners of the Indo-Chinese people
Peace and [F]freedom and Ho Chi [Am]Minh.
Ho, [C]Ho, Ho Chi [Am]Minh, Ho, [C]Ho, Ho Chi [Am]Minh
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Updated 2019-08-16
Views: 2,409 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: Ewan MacColl Genre: Favorite: 0
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