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Through the dark

A One Direction A Vote rhythm
(Verse 1)
You tell me that you said [D]you lost your way.
[D]You tell me that your tears are here to stay,
but I know you were only[A] hiding
and I just wanna see you.
You tell me that you're [D]hurt and you're in pain,
and I can see your head is held in shame,
but I just wanna see [A]you smile again
See you smile again
But [E]don't burn out
Even if you [D]scream and shout
It'll come [E]back to you
and I'll be[A] here for you
[A]Oh I would [D]carry you over[A]
[D]Fire and [A]water [E]for your[A] love
[A]And I would [D]hold you closer[A]
[D]Hope your[A] heart is [E]strong [A]enough
When the [F#m]night is coming [A]down on me
[F#m]We will find a [E]way through the dark [A]
[A]I wish that I could [D]take you to the stars
[D]I'd never let you fall and break your heart.
And if you want to[A] cry I'll fall apart
[A]I'll be there to hold you
(Verse 2)
Tell me that you [D]heard it's all in vain,
[D]but I can see your heart can love again
and I remember you [A]laughing
[A]so let's just laugh again
But [E]don't burn out
Even if you [D]scream and shout
(N.C) It'll come [E]back to you
Back to you
[A]Oh I would [D]carry you over[A]
[D]Fire and [A]water [E]for your[A] love
[A]And I would [D]hold you closer[A]
[D]Hope your[A] heart is [E]strong [A]enough
When the [F#m]night is coming [A]down on me
[F#m]We will find a [E]way through the dark
[F#m]and you [E]don't need [A]
you don't need to[D] run
[F#m]and you[E] will see[A]
it's easy to be [B]loved
I know you wanna be[E] loved
[A]Oh I would [D]carry you over[A]
[D]Fire and [A]water [E]for your[A] love
(Chorus) x2
[A]Oh I would [D]carry you over[A]
[D]Fire and [A]water [E]for your[A] love
[A]And I would [D]hold you closer[A]
[D]Hope your[A] heart is [E]strong [A]enough
When the [F#m]night is coming [A]down on me
[F#m]We will find a [E]way through the dark [A]
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Updated 2018-01- 4
Views: 4,810 Poster: Chord Imperfect (Chord Imperfect approved)
Author: One Direction Genre: Pop , US-UK Favorite: 4
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