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Join date: 17/05/2021


only played guitar for a month

Favorite of Alex

(Intro) (with whistling) Am C C/E C F (Verse 1) (Her) Am Alabama, Arkan
Tobi, 22 / 08, 2020 Am C C/E Dm F G 9,891
Capo 4 Intro Em B G C Am Em C Verse 1 Em B Yelling at
Bui Nhu Sy, 3 / 09, 2019 Am B C D Em Em7 G 32,009
[Intro] C G Am F [Verse1] C Welcome to Wonderland C We've got it all G Potions and
Tobi, 3 / 03, 2020 Am C E F G 14,646
Capo on 2nd fret [Intro] Em D G Oooooooooooooo Em G C Oooooooooooooo Em D G Oooooooo
Tobi, 24 / 08, 2019 C D Em G 7,936
Verse 1 F G Em F A broken heart is all that's left F G Em
Zarker, 21 / 08, 2019 Am C Dm E Em F Fmaj7 G 10,475
Verse 1 G Going out tonight, changes into something red Em Her mother doesn't like th
Bui Nhu Sy, 23 / 08, 2019 A Bm C C#m D E Em F#m G 14,930
Am F C e|-----------------------------| B|-----------------------------| G|---5---5--
Tobi, 6 / 05, 2020 Am C F 7,892
[Intro] Am Fmaj7 C G Hey! Am Fmaj7 C G Hey! Am
Tobi, 28 / 08, 2019 Am C F Fmaj7 G 2,787
Verse 1 Am Falling too fast to prepare for this G Tripping in the world could be dangerous Em
Bui Nhu Sy, 19 / 08, 2019 Am C D Em F G 4,902
Verse Em There was a time G when I was alone C Nowhere to go G and no place to call
Zarker, 21 / 08, 2019 Am C D Em G 9,553