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The Night We Met

Capo on 2nd fret
[Em] I am not the [D]only [G]traveler
[Em] Who has not re[G]repaid his [C]debt
I've been [Em]searching for a [D]trail to [G]follow again
Take me b[Em]back to the [G]night we [C]met
And then [Em]I can [D]tell my[C]myself
What the [Em]hell I'm su[G]supposed to [C]do
And then [Em]I can [D]tell my[C]myself
Not to r[Em]ride a[G]along with [C]you
I had [Em]all and then most of you, s[D]some and now [G]none of you
Take me b[Em]back to the [G]night we [C]met
I don't [Em]know what I'm supposed
to do, [D]haunted by the [G]ghost of you
Oh, take me b[Em]back to the [G]night we [C]met
When the n[Em]night was [G]full of [C]terror
And your e[Em]eyes were [G]filled with [C]tears
When you h[Em]had not [G]touched me [C]yet
Oh, take me b[Em]back to the [G]night we [C]met
I had [Em]all and then most of you, s[D]some and now [G]none of you
Take me b[Em]back to the [G]night we [C]met
I don't [Em]know what I'm supposed to
do, [D]haunted by the [G]ghost of you
Take me b[Em]back to the [G]night we [C]met
[Em] [G] [C] [x2]
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Updated 2019-08-24
Views: 7,685 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: Lord Huron Genre: US-UK Favorite: 37
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