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Join date: 28/11/2020


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Favorite of etamaro

Verse D She's got a smile that it seems to me C Reminds me of childhood memories G
Bui Nhu Sy, 19 / 08, 2019 A B C D Em G 6,359
Verse 1: [Gm] When are you [Bb] gonna come [C] down [F] When are you going to [Bb] land I [Eb] sho
Zarker, 6 / 08, 2019 A A7 Ab Bb Bbm C C7 D7 Db Dm Eb F Gm 6,793
Verse 1: "[Cmaj7]Seven days" was all she wrote A [Eb]kind of ulti[Bb]matum note She [G]gave to m
Tobi, 24 / 11, 2020 Am Bb Bm C C7/Bb Cmaj7 E E7 E7/G# Eadd9 Eb F F#m7b5 Fadd9 Fm Fmaj7 G 1,944
[Verse1] Dm C Bb A You get a shiver in the dark
Tobi, 27 / 08, 2019 A Bb C Dm F 3,455
[Intro] Gm F Dm C Gm F Dm C Am Aaah, aaah, aaah, aaah....Aaah, aaa
Tobi, 8 / 10, 2019 A Am Bb C D Dm F G Gm 2,526
Verse G G/F# Dm/F E7 Am It's a god-awful small affa
Bui Nhu Sy, 3 / 09, 2019 Am Am7 Bb C Cm D D7 Dm E7 Eb F F# Fm G G# G7 Gm Gsus4 6,310
[Intro] G Am7 G/B G [Verse1] G Am7 G/B G bl
Tobi, 25 / 08, 2019 A7 Am7 B C C#dim Cm D D#dim D7 D7sus4 Dm E Eb Em F G 6,818

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