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[F#] [Bm] [A] [Bm] [A]
[F#] [Bm] [A] [Bm] [A] [Bm] [A] [G] [A] [Bm] [G] [A] [Bm]
[G] [A] [Bm] [G] [A] [Bm] [F#]
Spr[F#]Sprawling on the fringes of the city
[Bm]In geometric o[A]order
An in[Bm]insulated bor[A]border
[Bm]In between the [A]bright lights
And th[G]the far u[A]unlit [Bm]unknown [G] [A] [F#]
[F#]Growing up it all seems so one-sided
Opi[Bm]Opinions all pr[A]provided
T[Bm]The future pre-[A]pre-decided
D[Bm]Detached and subdiv[A]subdivided
In t[G]he mass produ[A]ction zo[Bm]ne
[G]Nowhere i[A]is the d[Bm]dreamer
or the [G]misfit [A]so a[Bm]lone
[G]In the h[A]high school h[Bm]halls
[G]In the[A]the shopping mal[Bm]malls
[G]Conform or[A]or be cast o[Bm]out
[G]In the b[A]basement [Bm]bars
[G]In the[A]the backs of ca[Bm]cars
[G]Be cool or be [A]cast [Bm]out
[G]Any escape might [A]help to smo[Bm]smooth
The[A]The unattractive tr[Bm]truth
[A]But th[G]the suburbs have no [A]charms to [Bm]soothe
The [A]restless dreams of [Bm]youth
[G] [A] [Bm] [A] [Bm] [A]
[F#]Drawn like moths we drift into the city
The [Bm]timeless old attr[A]attraction
[Bm]Cruising for the a[A]action
[Bm]Lit up like a [A]firefly
[G]Just t[A]to feel the[Bm]the living night [G] [A] [F#]
[F#]Some will sell their
dreams for small desires
Or[Bm]Or lose the race to r[A]rats
Ge[Bm]Get caught in ticking t[A]traps
And[Bm]And start to dream of some[A]somewhere
To r[G]elax their r[A]estless fl[Bm]ight
[G]Somewhere [A]out of a m[Bm]memory of [G]
lighted str[A]eets on quie[Bm]t nights...
[G]In t[A]the high school h[Bm]halls
[G]In the[A]the shopping mal[Bm]malls
[G]Conform or be ca[A]cast ou[Bm]out
[G]In the b[A]basement [Bm]bars
[G]In th[A]the backs of c[Bm]cars
[G]Be cool or be [A]cast [Bm]out [G] [A] [Bm]
[G] [A] [Bm] [A] [Bm] [A] [G] [A] [Bm]
[G]Any escape might [A]help to smo[Bm]smooth
[A]The unattractive t[Bm]truth
[A]But t[G]he suburbs have no c[A]harms to s[Bm]oothe
The[A]The restless dreams of y[Bm]youth


Song information

Rush (Key F#) (Link)
Rush ABmF#G Rock
Vote rhythm