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Still Falling For You Approved

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Capo 1
Verse 1
[C]Fire and ice
This love is like f[C]fire and ice
This love is like r[Am]rain and blue skies
This love is like s[Am]sun on the rise
This love got me ro[F]rolling the dice
Don't let me lo[G]lose
Still falling for y[C]you
Still falling for y[C]you
Verse 2
[C]Beautiful mind
Your heart got a st[C]story with mine
Your heart got me hur[Am]hurting at times
Your heart gave me n[Am]new kind of highs
Your heart got me fee[F]feeling so fine
So what to [G]do
Still falling for y[C]you
Still falling for y[C]you
It took us a wh[C]while
With every breath a new day
With love on the l[Am]line
We've had our share of mistakes
But a[F]all your flaws and scars are m[G]mine
Still falling for y[C]you
Still falling for y[C]you
And just like t[Am]that
All I bre[F]breathe
All I f[C]feel
You are all for [G]me
I'm in
And just like t[Am]that
All I bre[F]breathe
All I f[C]feel
You are all for [G]me
No one can lift me,
catch me t[F]the way that you do [G]
I'm still falling for y[C]you
Verse 3
[C]Brighter than gold
This love shining bri[C]brighter than gold
This love is like let[Am]letters in bold
This love is like o[Am]out of control
This love is never gr[F]growing old
You make it n[G]new
Still falling for y[C]you
Still falling for y[C]you
It took us a wh[C]while
Because we were young and unsure
With love on the li[Am]line
What if we both would need more
But a[F]all your flaws and scars are m[G]mine
Still falling for y[C]you
(Still falling for you)
Still falling for y[C]you
And just like t[Am]that
All I bre[F]breathe
All I f[C]feel
You are all for [G]me
I'm in
And just like t[Am]that
All I bre[F]breathe
All I f[C]feel
You are all for [G]me
No one can lift me, catch
me the wa[F]way that you do [G]
I'm still falling for y[C]you
Fal[Am]Falling, crash into my ar[F]arms
Lo[C]Love you like this
Like a f[G]first kiss
Never let g[F]go
Fal[Am]Falling, crash into my a[G]arms
Ne[F]Never breaking what we g[G]got
Still falling f[C]for you
Still falling f[C]for...
And just like th[Am]that
All I bre[F]breathe
All I f[C]feel
You are all for [G]me
I'm in
And just like t[Am]that
All I bre[F]breathe
All I f[C]feel
You are all for [G]me
(All for me)
And just like t[Am]that
All I feel is y[F]you
All I feel is y[C]you
You are all for [G]me
(I’m still falling...)
And just like t[Am]that
All I feel is y[F]you
All I feel is y[C]you
You are all for [G]me
No one can lift me, catch
me the w[F]way that you do [G]
I’m still falling for y[C]you...


Song information

Ellie Goulding (Key C#) (Link)
Ellie GouldingIlyaRickard GöranssonShellbackTove Lo AmCFG Pop
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