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Chelsea Cutler

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Verse 1: Jeremy Zucker D G Lyin' isn't better than silence D
Bui Nhu Sy, 12 / 09, 2019 A Asus4 Bm D G 8,667
Verse 1 D E You're still in the shower, don't know where I'm
Bui Nhu Sy, 12 / 09, 2019 A D E F#m F#m7 Fm 5,288
Intro G Verse 1 D/F# Em Sun in my eyes, navy blue skies
Tobi, 20 / 01, 2021 Bm7 C Cadd9 D/f# Em Em7 G 4,449
Verse 1 G#m B We know that this won't last E Not like it used
Bui Nhu Sy, 12 / 09, 2019 B C#m E F# G#m 4,020
Verse 1: This [G]time it don't feel like [D]you want it all Did [Bm]I do something wrong to make y
Tobi, 5 / 09, 2021 A Bm D G 2,278
Verse 1 [C]Tell me your secrets, [F]I won't repeat them [Am]This tug in my chest makes it hard to
Tobi, 18 / 07, 2021 Am C F G 2,136