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Bing Crosby

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[Verse1] G Bm Am D7 I'll be home for Christmas, G Dm E Am You can plan
Tobi, 28 / 11, 2019 A7 Am Bm C Cm D D7 Dm E E7 Em G 13,325
[G] Let me [C] call you [G] sweetheart [Am7] I am [G] in [C] love [E7] with [A7] you [D7] Let me [
Tobi, 3 / 08, 2019 A7 Am7 Bbdim C C9 D7 Ddim E7 G 3,165
[Intro] C A Dm G7 C G7 [Bing] C Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say Cdim7
Tobi, 28 / 11, 2019 A A7 C C7 Cdim7 D7 Dm F G7 3,059
(v.1) C Far away places with strange-sounding names C G7 Far away over the sea
Tobi, 28 / 11, 2019 C D F G G7 2,661