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Drink to That All Night

Capo 5
[C] [Em] [D] [C] [Em] [D]
[Em]Pullin' up now, and the parking lot's full
[C]Gonna ride that cow with a Dallas bull
[G]Everybody in the ATL is coming
[D]DJs got those speakers thumping
[Em]Got a black ford not a white Mercedes
[C]Walking in the front door checking out the ladies
[G]My buddy says hey boys I'm buying
[D]The hottest girl in here's giving me the eye and.
[Am]Everybody knows, it's g[C]gonna be one of those
I can drink to th[C]that all night That's the s[Em]stuff I like
That's the ki[D]kind of party makes you throw your hands up high
Bout to t[C]tie one on talking g[Em]gone gone gone
[D]Turning all the wrongs into right
I can drink to th[C]that all night [C] [Em] [D]
[Em]Working on the sweet thing sitting on a bar stool
[C]Doing shots of Jack girl gonna take it old school
[G]Singing hell yeah to every song they're playing
[D]Do ya wanna dance? Baby I'm just saying
[Am]Everybody knows, it's g[C]gonna be one of those
I can drink to t[C]that all night That's the [Em]stuff I like
That's the ki[D]kind of party makes you throw your hands up high
Bout to t[C]tie one on talking g[Em]gone gone gone
[D]Turning all the wrongs into right
I can drink to th[C]that all night
Yeah, I can drink to t[Am]that all night
[Em] [D] [C] [Em] [D] [C]
[Em] [D] [C] [Em] [D] [C]
[Em]Take your cup f[D]fill it up [Em]You can't raise it h[D]high enough
[Em]Take your cup f[D]fill it up [Em]You can't raise it h[D]high enough
[Am]Everybody knows, it's go[C]gonna be one of those
I can drink to t[C]that all night That's the s[Em]stuff I like
That's the ki[D]kind of party makes you throw your hands up
I can drink to t[C]that all night That's the [Em]stuff I like
That's the ki[D]kind of party makes you throw your hands up high
Bout to t[C]tie one on talking g[Em]gone gone gone ne
[D]Turning all the wrongs into right
[C]I can drink to that all night
[Am]I can drink to that all night
[C]I can drink to that all night
[Am]I can drink to that all night
[Em]Take your cup f[D]fill it up Y[C]You can't raise it high enough
[Em]Take your cup f[D]fill it up Y[C]You can't raise it high enough
[Em]Take your cup f[D]fill it up Y[C]You can't raise it high enough
[Em]Take your cup f[D]fill it up Y[C]You can't raise it high enough [C] [Em] [D] [Em]
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Updated 2019-09-10
Views: 1,448 Poster: Bui Nhu Sy (Bui Nhu Sy approved)
Author: Jerrod Niemann Genre: Pop Favorite: 0
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