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American Beauty

D Fall Out Boy D Vote rhythm
Verse 1
She's an American [D]beauty, I'm an American [Em]psycho
She's an American [A]beauty, I'm an American, I'm an American
American Psych[D]Psycho (Whoa whoa [Em]whoa)
[A] I'm an American, I'm an American
I'm, I'm, I'm an American psycho
[D] I think I fell in [Em]love again
[D] Maybe I just took too much [Em]cough medicine
[A] And I'm the best worst thing that hasn't happened to you yet
The best worst thing ([A](whoa)
You take the [D]full, full truth, then you [Em]pour some out
You take the [D]full, full truth, then you [Em]pour some out
[A] And you can kill me, kill me or let God sort 'em out
And you can kill me, kill me or ([A7](whoa)
Verse 2
She's an American [D]beauty, I'm an American [Em]psycho
She's an American [A]beauty, I'm an American, I'm an American
American Psych[D]Psycho (Whoa whoa [Em]whoa)
[A] I'm an American, I'm an American
I'm, I'm, I'm an American psych[D]psycho (Whoa whoa [Em]whoa)
[A] I'm an American, I'm an American
I'm, I'm, I'm an American psych[D]psycho
[D] I wish I dreamt in the [Em]shape of your mouth
[D] But it's your thread count I [Em]really care about
[A] Stay up 'til the lights go out, stay up, stay up
You take the [D]full, full truth, then you [Em]pour some out
You take the [D]full, full truth, then you [Em]pour some out
[A] And as we're drifting off to sleep all those dirty thoughts of me
They were never yours to keep, keep (whoa) [A7]
[G] Alter boys, altered boys
We're the things that love destroys
[D](I'm an American,[A]American, I'm an American)
[G] You, me, us, them
We're just resurrection men
[D](I'm an American,[A]American, I'm an American)
[G] Us, we were only meant
To make you live again
[D](I'm an American,[A]American, I'm an American)
[G] Us, we were pity sex,
Nothing more and nothing less
[D](I'm an American)
Verse 3
She's an American [D]beauty, I'm an American [Em]psycho
She's an American [A]beauty, I'm an American, I'm an American
American Psych[D]Psycho (Whoa whoa [Em]whoa)
[A] I'm an American, I'm an American
I'm, I'm, I'm an American psych[D]psycho (Whoa whoa [Em]whoa)
[A] I'm an American, I'm an American
I'm, I'm, I'm an American psych[D]psycho
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Updated 2019-09- 9
Views: 1,642 Poster: Bui Nhu Sy (Bui Nhu Sy approved)
Author: Fall Out Boy Genre: Pop Rock Favorite: 0
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