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Join date: 18/08/2019


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Posted songs of Bui Nhu Sy

Verse G I can hear that rain falling on the tin roof Em7 Girl after
Bui Nhu Sy, 11 / 09, 2019 Cadd9 D Em7 G 1,757
Verse 1 Am Yeah this place is wall to wall, can't barely move, F takes f
Bui Nhu Sy, 11 / 09, 2019 Am C Dm F 1,853
Chorus 1 C Well I got friends from Colorado F C I got friend
Bui Nhu Sy, 11 / 09, 2019 C C7 D7 Eb F G 1,892
Am Do you like it when the meter's jumpin'? G
Bui Nhu Sy, 11 / 09, 2019 Am F G 1,759
Verse 1 E I'm gonna wear my flip-flops and A I'm gonna play some flip-cup and E Rock a littl
Bui Nhu Sy, 11 / 09, 2019 A E F#m 1,907
verse Em C Tears on a six string G D Another angel go
Bui Nhu Sy, 11 / 09, 2019 C D Em G 2,507
Verse Em I grew up ten minutes from the sticks Ten minutes from the beach
Bui Nhu Sy, 11 / 09, 2019 C D Em G 1,994
Verse F Sky on a break C Break down ghost town C Shake down beach
Bui Nhu Sy, 11 / 09, 2019 Am C D F F# G 1,712
verse Am F In your cup holder was some loose change Am F You got
Bui Nhu Sy, 11 / 09, 2019 Am C F G 1,873
Verse C Tell me you that you love me G D Say we'll always work it out C
Bui Nhu Sy, 11 / 09, 2019 Bb C D Em G 2,716

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