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Join date: 18/08/2019


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Posted songs of Bui Nhu Sy

Verse 1 G D You touch me and it's almost like we knew
Bui Nhu Sy, 12 / 09, 2019 A D F# G 4,186
Verse 1 Fm All I know is (ooh ooh ooh) Bb We could go anywhere we could do Eb
Bui Nhu Sy, 12 / 09, 2019 Bb Cm Dm Eb Fm Gm 7,649
Chorus B I’m so tired of love songs Tired of love songs F#sus4
Bui Nhu Sy, 12 / 09, 2019 B E F# F#sus4 G#m7 6,148
Verse 1 Gm Something for the rag and bone man, over my dead body Gm Something big is gonna happe
Bui Nhu Sy, 11 / 09, 2019 Am Bb C G Gm 2,255
Verse 1 [Fm]Are you such a [Csus/E]dreamer [Fm]To put the world to [Csus/E]rights? [Fm]I'll stay
Bui Nhu Sy, 11 / 09, 2019 Ab Bb C Db E Eb Fm Fm7 G7 Gm7 2,563
Dm Am Walk down the staircase G F Em Magnetic p
Bui Nhu Sy, 11 / 09, 2019 Am Cadd9 Cm Dm Em F G Gm 2,265
Verse 1 Em C7 Destiny,
Bui Nhu Sy, 11 / 09, 2019 A5 A7sus4 Am7 Asus4 B B5 C5 C7 Cadd9 D D5 Dsus4 E5 Em F# G G5 2,508
Verse 1 D D/Db D/B D/Bb The moonies are up on a mountain.
Bui Nhu Sy, 11 / 09, 2019 B Bb Bm C C#9 C7 Cadd9 D D7 Db Eb Eb5 F F# F#b5 2,370
Verse Cm Bb Ab I want you to know Gm Dm/F Em6 Em7 He's not coming back Cm
Bui Nhu Sy, 11 / 09, 2019 A7 Ab Am Bb Cm D7 Dm E6 E7 Em6 Em7 F Gm 2,853
Verse 1 Bm7 G D/F# Em G D/F# Em In pitch dark I go
Bui Nhu Sy, 11 / 09, 2019 A Bdim Bm Bm7 D Em Emadd9 F F# G 2,850

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