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Join date: 18/08/2019


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Posted songs of Bui Nhu Sy

Verse 1 Gmaj7 Dmaj7 I worry I weigh three times my body Gmaj7
Bui Nhu Sy, 12 / 09, 2019 Bbmaj7 Bm7 Dbmaj7 Dmaj7 Ebmaj7 F#m7 Fmaj7 G Gmaj7 2,699
Verse D G D/F# Who says I can't get stoned Em7 A
Bui Nhu Sy, 12 / 09, 2019 A A7 Asus4 Bbdim Bm7 D Dsus2 E Em7 F# G 3,207
Verse Asus A Lightning strikes Asus A D/F# Inside, my chest
Bui Nhu Sy, 12 / 09, 2019 A C D F F# F#m G 3,109
Verse E A Dmaj7 You love who you love who you love E
Bui Nhu Sy, 12 / 09, 2019 A Bm C#m Dmaj7 E F#m 2,215
Verse D Bm G D Me and all my friends, we're all misundersto
Bui Nhu Sy, 12 / 09, 2019 A Bm D Em G 3,287
Verse 1 Bb Gm Smile when you're sleeping Dm Wond
Bui Nhu Sy, 12 / 09, 2019 Bb Cm Dm Eb Ebm F Gm 3,341
Verse 1 Am G F F G Laying here wrapped
Bui Nhu Sy, 12 / 09, 2019 Am C Dm E F F#m G 3,533
Verse 1 A E I've watched those eyes light up with a
Bui Nhu Sy, 12 / 09, 2019 A B C#m E 5,381
Verse 1 Em D C G Like a spotlight the water hits me Em
Bui Nhu Sy, 12 / 09, 2019 C D Em G 7,441
Verse Em C Didn't wanna be a ghost Am D Em C
Bui Nhu Sy, 12 / 09, 2019 Am C C5 D D5 Em F G G5 3,956

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