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Join date: 18/04/2020


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Favorite of Gilbert Oliel

Intro: [Am][Dm][C][G][C][Em] 1. À [Am] toi, à la façon que tu as [Dm] d'être belle À la façon qu
Tobi, 20 / 08, 2019 Am C Dm E7 Em G G7 3,543
1. [Am] Si je t'oublie pendant le jour [F] Je passe mes nuits à te maudire [G] Et quand la lune se
Tobi, 20 / 08, 2019 Am E7 F G 2,462
When you're [Em] down and [B7] troubled and you [Em] need some [B7] love and [Em7] care And [Am7] n
Zarker, 26 / 07, 2019 A7 Am7 B7 Bm7 C Cmaj7 D Dsus4 Em Em7 F F# F#m F#m7 F7 G Gmaj7 Gsus4 8,661
[Intro] C G Am Em F C G C [Verse1] C G Am Em Have you s
Tobi, 25 / 08, 2019 Am C D7 Em F G G7 6,470
Verse Em C G You are my fire Em C G The one desire Em C G Believe
Bui Nhu Sy, 18 / 08, 2019 A Am B C D E Em F#m G 7,186
1. Châteaux de [Am] sable sont écrou-[Dm] lés La plage est [E7] sale d'amours fa-[Am] nés La ville
Zarker, 5 / 08, 2019 A Am D Dm E7 2,609
[G] It's late in the [D] evening, [C] she's wondering what [D] clothes to wear [G] She'll put on he
Zarker, 23 / 07, 2019 Bm C D Em G 10,435
[C][Em][Dm][G][C]-[Em][Dm][G] [C] Il y avait sur une [Em] plage Une [Dm] fille [G] qui pleu-[C
Zarker, 13 / 08, 2019 Am C Dm Em F G 2,963
1. Nous n´irons plus ja-[D] mais, où tu m´as dit "je [G] t´aime" Nous n´irons plus ja-[A7] mais, tu
Chord Imperfect, 18 / 10, 2017 A7 Bm D Em G 3,924
tone [Am] Intro: [C][D][F][Am][E][Am][E] -- There [Am] is a [C] house in [Dm] New Or- [F] leans
Zarker, 23 / 07, 2019 Am C D Dm E E7 F 5,366