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Hey Jude - The Beatles
Verse 1: Hey [D]Jude don’t make it [A]bad take a [A7]sad song and make it [D]better  Remember[G] to
Chord Imperfect, 18 / 10, 2017 at 11:54pm A A7 C D D7 Dmaj7 Dsus4 Em G 27,821
[G] I can [Am] tell by your eyes that you've [D7] probably been crying for-[G] ever And the [Am]
Chord Imperfect, 10 / 05, 2019 at 04:12am Am Bm C D7 Em G 14,721
1. [D] I know your eyes in the [F#m] morning [Em] sun [Bm] I feel you [Em] touch me in the [F#m] p
Zarker, 29 / 07, 2019 at 04:42pm Amaj7 Asus4 B7 Bm D Dmaj7 Em Em6 F#m G Gm Gm6 Gmaj7 14,230
1. There's a [G] new world [C] somewhere, they [A7] call the promised [D7] land And I'll [G] be the
Tobi, 23 / 07, 2019 at 07:01pm A7 Am B7 Bm C D7 Em G 11,248
Jamaica farewell - Harry Belafonte
1. [D] Down the way where the [G] nights are gay And the sun [A] shines daily on the [D] mountain t
Tobi, 19 / 08, 2019 at 01:37pm A A7 D Em G 8,279
Joy to the world - Pentatonix
[C]Joy to the world, the [G]Lord is [C]come! Let [F]earth [G]receive her [C]King; Let [C]every he
Chord Imperfect, 25 / 12, 2017 at 06:36pm C F G 7,387
1. She [D]knows when I'm [A]lonesome. [G]She cries when I'm [D]sad [G]She's up in the [D]good times
Tobi, 19 / 08, 2019 at 09:15pm A Bm D E G 6,613
Help Me Make It Through The Night - Michael Bublé, Loren Allred
1. Take the [A7] ribbon from your [D] hair Shake it [D7] loose, let it [G] fall Lay it soft agains
Tobi, 16 / 08, 2019 at 08:51pm A A7 D D7 E E7 G 6,251
It's now or never - Elvis Presley
Chorus: It's now or [D] never, come hold me [Em] tight Kiss me my [A7] darling, be mine to- [D] nig
Chord Imperfect, 18 / 12, 2017 at 06:12am A7 D Em Gm 6,149
1. No new years [C] day to [Em] cele- [C] brate No [Em] chocolate [C] covered candy hearts to give
Zarker, 22 / 07, 2019 at 08:06pm A Ab Am Bbm Bm C C# D Dm Dm7 Em F F# G 5,889
Playlist information
  29 / 08, 2022 at 07:15am