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Easy Jams

Hold Me While You Wait - Lewis Capaldi
Verse 1 C G I'm waitin' up, savin' all my precious time Am
Zarker, 27 / 08, 2019 at 08:58pm Am C G 11,978
Counting Stars - One Republic
[Am]Lately, I've been, [C]I've been losing sleep [G]Dreaming about the things that [F]we could be
Tobi, 4 / 07, 2019 at 06:17pm Am C Dm F G 11,952
Impossible - James Arthur
[Verse/Chorus] Am C G F [Pre-chorus] F G Am G [Verse1] Am I remember years
Tobi, 12 / 11, 2019 at 08:58pm Am C F G 11,565
Drag Me Down - One Direction
(Harry) [Am] I've got fire for a [F]heart I'm not scared of the [G]dark You've never seen it [Dm
Chord Imperfect, 6 / 02, 2017 at 03:52pm Am Dm F G 11,248
Count on me - Bruno Mars
1. If you [C] ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea [Em] I'll [Am] sail the world [G
Zarker, 5 / 08, 2019 at 08:44am Am C Dm Em F G 11,169
If We Have Each Other - Alec Benjamin
She was [Am]19 with a baby on the way On the [Em]East-side of the city, she was working every day
Chord Imperfect, 24 / 12, 2018 at 05:12pm Am Em F G 10,961
Verse 1 C I swear to God, when I come home Am7 I'm gonna hold you so close Fsus2
Zarker, 27 / 08, 2019 at 09:55pm Am7 C Fsus2 10,642
Arcade - Duncan Laurence
Verse 1 F G Em F A broken heart is all that's left F G Em
Zarker, 21 / 08, 2019 at 08:44pm Am C Dm E Em F Fmaj7 G 10,514
Hey Brother - Avicii
Verse 1 Em C G D Em Hey brother! There's an endless road to re
Bui Nhu Sy, 21 / 08, 2019 at 03:31pm C D Em F# G G6 9,004
The Lazy Song - Bruno Mars
CHORUS: To[G]day I don't feel [D]like doing [C]anything I [G]just wanna [D]lay in my [C]bed [G
Tobi, 22 / 06, 2019 at 04:01pm Am Bm C D Em G 8,385
Playlist information
Easy Jams
  16 / 05, 2021 at 05:13am