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Would've Could've Should've x Ivy

New versions

1 years ago
Tone: [G]
Credit to Nena Shelby
[D/F#] [Em] [G] [D/F#]
[D/F#] If you would've [Em] blinked then I would've
[G] Looked [D/F#] away at the first glance [D/F#]
If you tasted [Em] poison, you could've
[G] Spit me [D/F#] out at the first chance [D/F#]
If I was some [Em] paint, did it splatter
[G] On a promi[D/F#]sing grown man? [D/F#]
And if I was a [Em] child, did it matter
[G] If you got to [D/F#] wash your hands?
[Em]Ooh, [D/F#] oh [Cadd9]
All I used to do was pray
[Em] Would've, could've, [D/F#] should've
If you'd [Cadd9] never looked my way
I would've stayed [G]on my kne[D/F#]es
And I damn [Cadd9] sure never would've danced with the devil
[G] At ninete[D/F#]en
And the Go[Cadd9]d's honest truth is that the pain was heaven [G]
And now that I'm gro[D/F#]wn, I'm scared of ghosts [Cadd9]
Memories feel like weapons [G]
And now that I kno[D/F#]w, I wish you'd le[Cadd9]ft me wondering
[D/F#]If you never touc[Em]hed me, I would've [G]
Gone alo[D/F#]ng with the righteous [D/F#]
If I never blus[Em]hed, then they could've [G]
Never [D/F#]whispered about this
And if you never sav[Em]ed me from boredom [G]
I could've go[D/F#]ne on as I was [D/F#]
But, Lord, you made me fe[Em]el important
[G] And then you tri[D/F#]ed to erase us
O[Em]oh, oh [D/F#]
[Cadd9] You're a crisis of my faith
Woul[Em]d've, could've, shou[D/F#]ld've
If I'd on[Cadd9]ly played it safe
I would've stayed o[G]n my knees [D/F#]
And I da[Cadd9]mn sure never would've danced with the devil [G]
At nine[D/F#]teen
And the Go[Cadd9]d's honest truth is that the pain was heaven [G]
And now that I'm gro[D/F#]wn, I'm scared of ghosts [Cadd9]
Memories feel like weapons [G]
And now that I kn[D/F#]ow, I wish you'd left[Cadd9] me wondering
God re[G]st my soul, I miss[D/F#] who I used to be
The to[Cadd9]mb won't close, stained glass windows i[G]n my mind
[D/F#]I regret you all[Cadd9] the time
I can't [G]let this go, I fig[D/F#]ht with you in my sleep
The wo[Cadd9]und won't close, I keep on waiting for[G] a sign
[D/F#]I regret you al[Cadd9]l the time
If [Em]clarity's in dea[D/F#]th, then why won't [Cadd9]this die?
[Em]Years of tearing do[D/F#]wn our banners, you[Cadd9] and I
Li[Em]ving for the thri[D/F#]ll of hitting you[Cadd9] where it hurts
[Em]Give me back my girl[D/F#]hood, it was mi[Cadd9]ne first
So ye[G]ah, it's a fire
It's a god[Cadd9]damn blaze in the da[D/F#]rk
And you sta[G]rted it
You star[Cadd9]ted it [D/F#]
So yea[Em]h, it's a war
It's the god[Cadd9]damn fight of my li[D/F#]fe
And you start[G]ed it
You star[Cadd9]ted it [D/F#]
[Em]Oh, I ca[D/F#]n't
[Cadd9]Stop you putting r[D/F#]oots in my Dreaml[Em]and
My ho[D/F#]use of stone, your Ivy gro[Cadd9]ws
And now I'm covered [G]
In[D/F#] you [Cadd9]
[G]In you [D/F#] [Cadd9]
[G] [D/F#] [Cadd9]
[G] I regr[D/F#]et you al[Cadd9]l the time...

