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Moderate > Approval queue > That's The Kind Of Woman

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That's The Kind Of Woman Approved

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Tone: [A]
Verse 1:
[A] [E]Childhood [Gbm]picket fence, smells like c[D]confidence
[E]Raised with a [A]little more common sense
[A] [E]Isn't always [Gbm]on defense, sits up s[D]straight, knows h[E]how to take a [A]compliment
[A] [E]Jealous but the [Gbm]right amount isn't scared of [D]missing out
[E]Missing out's [A]scared of missing her, yeah
[A] [E]Doesn't buy [Gbm]things to fill voids
[D]Doesn't hate the sound [E]of her own [A]voice
If the [D]me [E]I [Gbm]am, walked o[A]ut th[E]at d[D]oor
That's the kind of woman I'd leave me fo[A]for [E] [Gbm] [D] [E] [A]
Verse 2:
[A] [E]Doesn't cry when [Gbm]someone leaves, isn't contrad[D]contradictory
[E]Mind takes a [A]break when she falls asleep
[A] [E]Always takes her [Gbm]own advice, crosses T's and c[D]cuts her ties
[E]Figured out [A]sympathize from empathize
[A] [E]Doesn't keep those [Gbm]letters in a drawer
Doesn't keep a [D]closet [E]full of thing she [A]bought and never wore
[A]Gives all her a[E]attention to the [Gbm]people that are with her
[D]She still loves to [E]dance, she still [A]loves her sister
If the [D]me [E]I [Gbm]am, walked o[A]ut th[E]at d[D]oor
That's the kind of woman I'd leave me fo[A]for [E]
[Gbm] Hmm, hmm, hmm[D]hmm [E] [A] Oh yeah [A] [E] [Gbm] [D] [E] [A]
[A] [E]Jealous but the [Gbm]right amount isn't scared of [D]missing out
[E]Missing out's [A]scared of missing her, yeah
[A] [E]Doesn't buy [Gbm]things to fill voids
[D]Doesn't hate the sound [E]of her own [A]voice
If the [D]me [E]I [Gbm]am, walked o[A]ut th[E]at d[D]oor
Would I [D]miss [E]her?[Gbm]her? Maybe, a l[E]little bit, [D]sure
Oh, I [D]love [E]my[Gbm]self but I l[A]ove h[E]er m[D]ore
Yeah, that's the kind of woman I'd leave me for


Song information

Julia Michaels ADEGbm US-UK
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