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Moderate > Approval queue > jealousy, jealousy

Waiting for approve

Glycerine - Bush - Bush
10 hours ago

jealousy, jealousy Approved

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Verse 1
[C#5]I kinda wanna t [E5]hrow my phone across the r [B5]oom
Cuz all I see are g [F#5]irls too good to be t [C#5]rue
With paper white t [E5]eeth and perfect b [B5]odies, wish I didn't c [F#5]are
I know their b [C#5]eauty's [E5]not my l [B5]ack, but it f [F#5]eels like that
W [C#5]eight is [E5]on my b [B5]ack, and I can't let it go
[C#5]Co-compari [E5]son is ki [B5]lling me s [F#5]lowly
I t [C#5]hink I think too [E5]much 'bout [B5]kids who don't k [F#5]now me
[C#5]I'm so sick of [E5]myself, I'd r [B5]ather be, rather [F#5]be
A [C#5]nyone, anyone e [E5]lse,
But my je [B5]alousy, jeal [F#5]ousy started following [C#5]me
(He, he, [E5]he, he- [B5]e) [F#5]Started following me [C#5](He, he, [E5]he, he-e [B5]) [F#5] [E5]
Verse 2
And [C#5]I see everyone g [E5]etting all the things I w [B5]ant
I’m happy for t [F#5]hem, but then again I’m [C#5]not
Just cool vintage cl [E5]othes and vacation p [B5]hotos
I can’t stand it, oh [F#5]God, I sound crazy
Their [C#5]win is [E5]not my l [B5]oss
I k [F#5]now it’s true
But I [C#5]can’t help g [E5]etting ca [B5]ught [F#5]up in it all
[C#5]Co-compari [E5]son is ki [B5]lling me sl [F#5]owly
I t [C#5]hink I think too m [E5]uch 'bout ki [B5]ds who don't kn [F#5]ow me
[C#5]I'm so sick of my [E5]self, ra [B5]ther be, rather [F#5]be
An [C#5]yone, anyone e [E5]lse,
But je [B5]alousy, jeal [F#5]ousy, yeah
All your fr [C#5]iends are so cool, you go [E5]out every night
In your d [B5]addy's nice car, yeah, you're li [F#5]ving the life
Got a pr [C#5]etty face, pretty bo [E5]yfriend too
I wanna [B5]be you so bad and I don't e [F#5]ven know you
[C#5]All I see is what [E5]I should be
Ha [B5]ppier, prettier, jea [F#5]lousy, jealousy
[C#5]All I see is what [E5]I should be
I'm lo [B5]sing it, all I get's, je [F#5]alousy, jealousy
[C#5]Co-compa [E5]rison is ki [B5]lling me sl [F#5]owly
I t [C#5]hink I think too [E5]much 'bout k [B5]ids who don't k [F#5]now me
[C#5]I'm so sick of my [E5]self, ra [B5]ther be, rather [F#5]be
An [C#5]yone, anyone el [E5]se,
but j [B5]ealousy, je [F#5]alousy, yeah
I [C#5]'m so sick of my [E5]self, ra [B5]ther be, rather [F#5]be
An [C#5]yone, anyone e [E5]lse,
but je [B5]alousy, jea [F#5]lousy,
started following me


Song information

Olivia Rodrigo (Key C#5) (Link)
Olivia Rodrigo B5C#5E5F#5 Pop Rock
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