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Blue Ridge Mountain Song Approved

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[G] [C] [G] [C] [Em]
Verse 1
[G]Met her in the fall of [C]93 in the hills of Tenn[G]Tennessee
She was barely seve[C]seventeen He was tall and strong a[Em]and lean
They were deep in love by [C]June H[Em]Hand in hand beneath that moon [D]
And she'd [G] sing a little blue ridge mou[C]mountain song
And he'd just hum a[G]along. They'd dance all night t[C]til dawn
On a hillside all a[Em]alone, they were young and they we[C]were free
Like a mountain melo[Em]melody True lovers they cou[C]could be
[D]Singin' that blue ridg[G]ridge song.
[G] [C] [G] [C] [Em]
Verse 2
[G]Married in her momma's weddin[C]wedding gown, bought a house and sett[G]settled down
He was drivin' all a[C]around, haulin' logs from town t[Em]to town
And he'd come home every [C]night,
She'd be [Em]waiting in the front po[D]porch light
And she'd [G] sing a little blue ridge moun[C]mountain song
And he'd just hum a[G]along. They'd dance all night t[C]til dawn
On a hillside all a[Em]alone, they were young and they we[C]were free
Like a mountain melo[Em]melody True lovers they cou[C]could be
[D]Singin' that blue ridg[G]ridge song.
[G] [C] [G] [C] [Em]
Verse 3
[G]They couldn't tell him what was [C]wrong. They just didn't [G]know.
It wasn't very [C]long, til Jesus called her [Em]home
Then he got down on his [C]knees,
[Em]God don't take my love from [C]me, [D]Just let her
[G]sing a little blue ridge mountain [C]song
Like she has all al[G]along.
I’ll dance with her til [C]dawn, On a hillside all a[Em]alone
And we'll spend eterni[C]eternity, like a mountain melo[Em]melody
In love as we can [C]be
[D]singin' that blue ridge [G]song
Verse 4
[G]Now he lives there all al[C]alone, in the house that they calle[G]called home
In his heart there lies a [C]void, from the absence of her [Em]voice
And he lays down every n[C]night,
[Em]And dreams about that front porc[C]porch ligh[D]light
Where she'[G]she'd sing a little blue ridge mountain [C]song.
And he'd just hum al[G]along, they'd dance all night ti[C]til dawn
On the hillside all [Em]alone. They were young and they were [C]free
Like a mountain mel[Em]melody, In love as they cou[C]could be-e
[D]Makin' that blue ridge [G]song. [C]
Little blue ridge mountain song
Sing a little blue ridge mountain song


Song information

Alan Jackson (Key G) (Link)
Alan Jackson CDEmG Country
Vote rhythm