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Small Town Southern Man Approved

This song is approved and moved to home page. Go to song
Capo 1
[D] [G] [D] [G] [D] [G] [D] [A] [G] [D]
[G]Born the middle s[D]son of a farmer
[A]And a small town S[D]Southern man
[G]Like his daddy's d[D]daddy before him
[A]Brought up workin' on the land
[G]Fell in love with a [D]small town woman
[A]And they married up and s[D]settled down
[G]Natural way of life i[D]if you're lucky
[A]For a small town Sout[G]Southern man [D]
[G]First there came four pr[D]pretty daughters
Fo[A]For this small town Sout[D]Southern man
[G]Then a few years later cam[D]came another
[A]A boy, he wasn't planned
[G]Seven people livin' a[D]all together
[A]In a house built with his ow[D]own hands
[G]Little words with love a[D]and understandin'
[A]From a small town [G]Southern [D]man
[G]And he bowed his head to[D]to Jesus
[G]And he stood for Uncle Sa[D]Sam
And [G]he only loved one wom[D]woman
He) was [A]always proud of what he had
He said hi[G]his greatest contribution [D]
Is[G]Is the ones you leave[D]leave behind
Ra[G]Raised on the ways an[D]and gentle kindness
Of [A]a small to[G]town Southern[D]Southern man
[G] [D] [A] [G] [D]
C[G]Callous hands told t[D]the story
For[A]For this small town South[D]Southern man
He[G]He gave it all to keep it a[D]all together
An[A]And keep his family on his land
[G]Like his daddy, years wore o[D]out his body
Ma[A]Made it hard just to walk and [D]stand
[G]You can break the back
Bu[D]But you can't break the spirit
[A]Of a smal[G]small town Souther[D]Southern man
[G]And he bowed his head to[D]to Jesus
[G]And he stood for Uncle Sa[D]Sam
And [G]he only loved one wom[D]woman
He) was [A]always proud of what he had
He said hi[G]his greatest contribution [D]
Is[G]Is the ones you leave[D]leave behind
Ra[G]Raised on the ways an[D]and gentle kindness
Of [A]a small to[G]town Southern[D]Southern man
[G] [D] [G] [D] [G] [D] [A] [G] [D]
Fi[G]Finally death came [D]callin'
[A]For this small town Sout[D]Southern man
He[G]He said it's alright 'cause I[D]I see angels
[A]And they got me by the hand
[G]Don't you cry, and d[D]don't you worry
[A]I'm blessed, and I [D]know I am
'Ca[G]'Cause God has a plac[D]place in Heaven
For [A]a small tow[G]town Southern [D]man
[G]And he bowed his head to[D]to Jesus
[G]And he stood for Uncle Sa[D]Sam
And [G]he only loved one wom[D]woman
He) was [A]always proud of what he had
He said hi[G]his greatest contribution [D]
Is[G]Is the ones you leave[D]leave behind
Ra[G]Raised on the ways an[D]and gentle kindness
Of [A]a small to[G]town Southern[D]Southern man
R[G]Raised on the ways a[D]and gentle kindness
Of [A]a small to[G]town Southern[D]Southern man
[G] [D] [A] [G] [D]


Song information

Alan Jackson (Key Eb) (Link)
Alan Jackson ADG Country
Vote rhythm