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Moderate > Approval queue > A Message To Myself

Waiting for approve

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1 days ago
A little bit of love - Andreas Johnson - Andreas Johnson
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18 hours ago
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Elena Marsiglia
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A Message To Myself Approved

This song is approved and moved to home page. Go to song
Verse 1
[F]Going to get out of [C]here
So many voic[Am]voices fill this plac[F]place
Society is in my solitu[C]solitude
Oh, find me the corn[Am]corner of this great space[F]space
If I'd heard every wo[C]word
Or read every lin[Am]line upon the shelf[F]shelf
I'd still need a [C]message to [Am]myself[F]myself
A me[C]message to [Am]myself![F]myself!
Verse 2
Searching for the element[C]elements
The roots of a f[Am]fundamental lov[F]love
Been reaching out to find my solid groun[C]ground
Cos I've never know[Am]known peace lest from abov[F]above
So up in the clea[C]clear
I'll find the voic[Am]voice that I hold dear[F]dear
And I'll send a [C]message to [Am]myself [F]
A m[C]essage to[Am] myself[F]


Song information

Roo Panes (Key C) (Link)
Roo Panes AmCF Pop Ballad
Vote rhythm