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mad woman x no body, no crime - Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift
3 days ago
So Long, London x The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived - Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift
12 hours ago
In My Head - Bedroom - Bedroom
2 hours ago

Menswear Approved

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Capo 4
Verse 1
[A]Well I only brought three, what you[E]you lookin' at me for? [D] [A]
[A]She's dressed in white and [E]putting off crying [D] [A]
[A]Well you're the best man so [E]what's the plan?
W[D]Why don't you talk to Matty about i[A]it?
[A]I said I only brought three like I [E]told you before
[D]We're gonna have to ask abo[A]about
Verse 2
[A]Free bar, [E]that's the point
[D]Spillin' ammaretto 'cause of[A]of previous joints
[A]Sitting next to a girl, [E]fortunate placing
[D]Preceding railing racket off a[A]a porcelain basin
[A]Who's he, [E]giving it the lips?
[D]I've never seen him knockin'[A]knockin' about
[A]He looks just like me, but [E]six foot three
So I[D]I reckon you could knock him[A]him out
Verse 3
[A]Well I think I'll say a couple of[E]of words if you don't mind
[D]I never really got on with you[A]your bird the first time
[A]I met her out, [E]dressed in nowt
[D]Telling everybody you were[A]were shagging about
[A]Well who's this, [E]going for the kiss
I'm [D]probably gonna yosh in yo[A]your mouth
'Ca[A]'Cause it's five past three, I [E]can hardly see
[D]And I'm on the verge of passing[A]passing out
[A] [E] [D] [A] [A] [E] [D] [A]


Song information

The 1975 (Key Db) (Link)
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