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mad woman x no body, no crime - Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift
3 days ago
So Long, London x The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived - Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift
16 hours ago
In My Head - Bedroom - Bedroom
5 hours ago

1901 Approved

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Capo 5.
Verse 1
[Em]Counting all d[C]different ideas[G]ideas drifting away
[Em]Past and prese[C]present they don’t matter
Now the future’s sorted o[G]out
W[Em]Watch her moving in ell[C]elliptical patterns
Think it’s no[G]not what you say
What you say is way too compl[D]complicated
Fo[Em]r a minute thought I cou[C]ldn’t tell how to fall o[G]ut
I[Am]It’s twenty seconds till the last c[C]call
You’re going hey hey hey hey hey h[D]hey
L[D]Lie down you know it’s easy
Like we did it over summer long
A[Am]And I’ll be anything you ask and mo[C]more
You’re going hey hey hey hey hey h[D]hey hey
I[D]It’s not a miracle we needed
No I wouldn’t let you think so
F[Em]old it, fold i[C]t, fold it, fol[G]d it
F[Em]old it, fold i[C]t, fold it, fol[G]d it
G[Em]irlfriend, oh your girl[C]friend is drifting a[G]way
P[Em]ast and present 18[C]55-19[G]01
Verse 2
W[Em]Watch them built up a ma[C]material tower
Think it’s n[G]not gonna stay anyway
Think it’s over[D]overrated
F[Em]or a minute thought I co[C]uldn’t tell how to fal[G]l out
I[Am]It’s twenty seconds till the last c[C]call
You’re going hey hey hey hey hey h[D]hey
L[D]Lie down you know it’s easy
Like we did it over summer long
A[Am]And I’ll be anything you ask and mo[C]more
You’re going hey hey hey hey hey h[D]hey hey
I[D]It’s not a miracle we needed
No I wouldn’t let you think so
[Em]Fold it, fol[C]fold it, fold it, fold[G]fold it
[Em]Fold it, fol[C]fold it, fold it, fold[G]fold it
[Em]Fold it, fol[C]fold it, fold it, fold[G]fold it
[Em]Fold it, fol[C]fold it, fold it, fold[G]fold it


Song information

Birdy (Key Am) (Link)
Birdy AmCDEmG Pop Ballad
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