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Glycerine - Bush - Bush
3 days ago

Talk Approved

This song is approved and moved to home page. Go to song
[C] [G] [F] [G] [F]
Can't we just ta[C]talk[G]lk? [F]Can't we just talk?
[G]Talk about where we[F]we're goin'
Before we get lo[C]lost[G]st, [F]let me out first
Can't g[G]get what we want without kn[F]knowin'
I've never fe[C]lt l[G]ike t[F]his before
I apo[G]apologize if I'm movin' too f[F]far
Can't we just ta[C]talk[G]lk? [F]Can't we just talk?
[G]Figure out where we[F]we're goin'
Verse 1
Ye[C]Yeah[G]ah, [F]started off right
I can s[G]see it in your eyes
I can t[F]tell that you're wantin' mo[C]more [G]
[F]What's been on your mind?
There's [G]no reason we should hide
Te[F]ll me somethin' I ain't heard bef[C]ore[G]
[F]Oh, I've been d[G]dreamin' 'bout[F]'bout it
And it's you I'm on[C]on [G]
[F]So stop th[G]thinkin' 'b[F]'bout it
Can't we just ta[C]talk[G]lk? [F]Can't we just talk?
[G]Talk about where we[F]we're goin'
Before we get lo[C]lost[G]st, [F]let me out first
Can't g[G]get what we want without kn[F]knowin'
I've never fe[C]lt l[G]ike t[F]his before
I apo[G]apologize if I'm movin' too f[F]far
Can't we just ta[C]talk[G]lk? [F]Can't we just talk?
[G]Figure out where we[F]we're goin'
Verse 2
Oh[C]Oh, n[G]nah
[F]Penthouse view, left some fl[G]flowers in the room
I'll m[F]ake sure I leave the door unlock[C]ed[G]
[F]Now I'm on the way, sw[G]swear I won't be late
I'll [F]be there by five o'c[C]o'clo[G]lock
[F]Oh, I've been d[G]dreamin' 'b[F]'bout it
And it's you I'm on[C]on [G]
[F]So stop th[G]thinkin' 'b[F]'bout it
Can't we just ta[C]talk[G]lk? [F]Can't we just talk?
[G]Talk about where we[F]we're goin'
Before we get lo[C]lost[G]st, [F]let me out first
Can't g[G]get what we want without kn[F]knowin'
I've never fe[C]lt l[G]ike t[F]his before
I apo[G]apologize if I'm movin' too f[F]far
Can't we just ta[C]talk[G]lk? [F]Can't we just talk?
[G]Figure out where we[F]we're goin'
[C] [G] [F] [G] [F]
[C] [G] [F] [G] [F]
Figure out where we're goin'


Song information

Khalid (Key C) (Link)
Khalid CFG Pop
Vote rhythm