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desire Approved

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[C] [D] [Em7] [Bm7] [C] [D] [Em7] [Bm7]
W[C]Why do you cry with your hai[D]hair tied up [Em7] and my t[Bm7]-shirt on?
I[C]I guess I'll be gone when the le[D]lease is up [Em7]
W[Bm7]Where did we go wrong?
But da[C]damn, you look good when your tea[D]tears dry up
I hate[Em7]hate to be the one to make your fea[Bm7]fears fire up
I'[C]I'll be outside when the s[D]sky falls down
Wan[Em7]Wanna get the fuck out this lonely[Bm7]lonely town
Whe[C]Where will you be when [D]I go insane?
I d[Em7]don't give a fuck, it all feel[Bm7]feels the same
Eas[C]Easier to blame with a bro[D]broken heart
Hat[Em7]Hate me now that we've grown[Bm7]grown apart
Wh[C]What do you desi[D]desire? (Hold me down when I fall apart)
(H[Em7](Hold me down when I fall a[Bm7]apart)
Wh[C]What do you desi[D]desire? (Hold me down when I fall apart)
(H[Em7](Hold me down when I fal[Bm7]fall apart)
Verse 1
B[C]By now, I should [D]be in LA
Wa[Em7]Wasting my time chas[Bm7]chasing better days
B[C]But I know way too m[D]many things to stay
A[Em7]Alone, at loss for words, b[Bm7]but still
I[C]I've won and I've lost but I've [D]fell
and I've fucked it up [Em7] [Bm7]
I[C]I've won and I've lost but I've [D]fell and
I've fucked it up [Em7] [Bm7]
L[C]Laying in bed with my hea[D]headphones on [Em7]
And our pla[Bm7]playlist stop
I[C]I'm spinning right now, hope it d[D]don't last long [Em7]
Why [Bm7]did I get drunk?
But d[C]damn, you look good when your te[D]tears dry up
I hat[Em7]hate to be the one to make your fear[Bm7]fears fire up
I'[C]I'll be outside when the s[D]sky falls down
Wan[Em7]Wanna get the fuck out this lon[Bm7]lonely town
Al[C]All of these years, do you fee[D]feel the same?
Chas[Em7]Chasing our ride in the pouri[Bm7]pouring rain
Stay[C]Staying up late just to wa[D]walk you home
Clin[Em7]Clinging to me like it's all [Bm7]you know
Wh[C]What do you desi[D]desire? (Hold me down when I fall apart)
(H[Em7](Hold me down when I fall a[Bm7]apart)
Wh[C]What do you desi[D]desire? (Hold me down when I fall apart)
(H[Em7](Hold me down when I fal[Bm7]fall apart)
Verse 2
La[C]Lately I've been le[D]left out for dead
Ca[Em7]Caught between hits of your [Bm7]cigarette
If[C]If I'm honest, pretty s[D]sure I'm still
Al[Em7]Alone, at loss for word[Bm7]words, but still
I[C]I've won and I've lost but I've [D]fell
and I've fucked it up [Em7] [Bm7]
I[C]I've won and I've lost but I've [D]fell
and I've fucked it up [Em7] [Bm7]
But d[C]damn, you look good in your ph[D]photographs
Brea[Em7]Breaking my heart every tim[Bm7]time you laugh
Al[C]All of these shots poured d[D]down the drain
I tr[Em7]tried, but it tastes like Nov[Bm7]Novocaine
N[C]Now that you're free, do you fe[D]feel alright
D[Em7]Downing these shots with anot[Bm7]another guy
I k[C]know you've moved on, just k[D]know that I'm trying
A[Em7]nything it takes[Bm7] to feel alright[C] [D] [Em7] [Bm7]
[C] [D]
[Em7]For you[Bm7], yeah I'v[C]e heard it all an[D]d made mistakes [Em7]
Chased my d[Bm7]days with Novocai[C]Novocaine
Oh, I wo[D]nder,[Em7] are we a[Bm7] work of art [C]
I know we'll s[D]suck at making pl[Em7]plans
In the[Bm7]the end you'll underst[C]understand
(For you)
[C] [D] [Em7] [Bm7]


Song information

Jeremy Zucker (Key Em) (Link)
Jeremy Zucker Bm7CDEm7 Pop
Vote rhythm