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Amazing Grace On Solid Ground Approved

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[D] Amazing [G]grace how [D]sweet the [G]sound
[D]That saved a [G]wretch like [A7]me
[D]I once was [G]lost but [D]now I'm [G]found
[D]Once was [G]blind but now I [A7]see
[A7]And I've got a [G]peaceful easy [D]feel-ing
[G]And I know you [G]won't let me [Em]down [A7]
[A7]Cause I'm [D]allll[Em]allllll-ready [G]standing [A7]on solid [D]ground
[D]'Twas grace that [G]taught my [D]heart to [G]fear,
[D]And grace my [G]fears reli[A7]relieved;
[D]How precious [G]did that g[D]grace app[G]appear
[D]The hour I [G]first bel[A7]believed.
[A7]And I've got a [G]peaceful easy [D]feel-ing
[G]And I know you [G]won't let me [Em]down [A7]
[A7]Cause I'm [D]allll[Em]allllll-ready [G]standing [A7]on solid [D]ground
[D]Through many [G]dangers, [D]toils and [G]snares,
[D]I have alr[G]already c[A7]come;
[D]’Tis grace hath [G]brought me [D]safe thus [G]far,
[D]And grace will [G]lead me [A7]home.
[A7]And I've got a [G]peaceful easy [D]feeling
[G]And I know you [G]won't let me [Em]down [A7]
[A7]Cause I'm [D]allll[Em]allllll-ready [G]standing [A7]on solid [D]ground
[D]When we’ve been [G]there ten [D]thousand [G]years,
[D]Bright shining [G]as the [A7]sun,
[D]We’ve no less [G]days to [D]sing God’s [G]praise
[D]Than when we’d [G]first be[A7]begun.
[A7]And I've got a [G]peaceful easy [D]feel-ing
[G]And I know you [G]won't let me [Em]down [A7]
[A7]Cause I'm [D]allll[Em]allllll-ready [G]standing [A7]on solid [D]ground


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The Eagles (Key D) (Link)
The Eagles A7DEmG US-UK
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