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In My Bed Approved

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[C] [Am] [G] [D]
Verse 1
L[C]Little things become eve[Am]everything
When you woul[G]wouldn't think that they w[D]would
Lit[C]Little things weigh so hea[Am]heavily
Take my ener[G]energy til it's go[D]gone
I wa[C]wanna be alone
But lo[Am]love is emotions
Wan[G]Wanna be alone
I'[D]I'm tryna I
m tryna
I'm tryna st[C]stop them
Losing[Am]Losing my control
And hypot[G]hypothetically
I could let it go e[D]easy
Bu[C]But I'm still, I'm still
I'm[Am]I'm still, I'm still, I'm still
In my[G]my bed about[D]about it
[C]I'm still, Im still, Im [Am]still
In m[G]my bed about i[D]it
I'm[C]I'm not usually like this
Im[Am]Im not usually like this
But [G]I'm still, I'm still
I'm still[D]still in my bed
Verse 2
Tur[C]Turn this pillowcase
To[Am]To the cooler side
Giv[G]Give me something I can[D]cant feel
'Ca[A]'Cause I wanna turn a page
Wa[Am]Wanna rearrange
Swi[G]Swing the doors wide open in[D]in my mind
I [C]wanna be alone (wanna be alone)
But lo[Am]love is emotions
Wanna[G]Wanna be alone
I'm t[D]tryna, I'm tryna
I'm tryna stop t[C]them
Losing m[Am]my control (My control)
And hypothetically
I could let it go [D]easy
But I'm[C]I'm still, I'm still
I'm s[Am]still, I'm still, I'm still
In my[G]my bed about i[D]it
I'm sti[C]still, I'm still, I'm [Am]still
In m[G]my head about [D]it (Head about it)
I'm no[C]not usually like this
I'm n[Am]not usually like this
But[G]But I'm still, I'm still, I'm [D]still
In m[C]my bed about[Am]about it
(Bed a[C]about it, bed[Am]bed about it)
B[C]But I'm still, I'm stil[Am]still, I'm still
[G]In my bed about[D]about it
(Be[C](Bed about it, bed[Am]bed about it)
But[C]But I'm still, I'm still, I[Am]I'm still
In[G]In my bed about [D]it
Som[C]Something chemical [A]
inside me messin' with my [Am]mind
And I[C]I can't help but feel like
I'[G]I'm feeling like someone[D]someone else (Someone else)
Som[C]Something animal inside me
Tr[A]Trying to remind me there[Am]there's no need
To [G]worry about it and lo[D]lose myself
But[C]But I'm still, I'm s[Am]still, I'm still
I'm still, I'm still, I'm still
In[G]In my bed about [D]it (Bed about it)
I'[C]I'm still, I'm still, I'm [Am]still
[G]In my head about i[D]it (I…)
I'm[C]I'm not usually like this
(I'm not usually like)
I'm n[Am]not usually like this
(I'm not usually like)
But I'[C]I'm still, I'm stil[Am]still, I'm still
In[G]In my bed about[D]about it
I'm[C]I'm still in my bed, I'm sti[G]still in my bed
(B[C](Bed about it, bed[Am]bed about it)
But [C]I'm still, I'm [Am]still
I'm[G]I'm still in my bed abo[D]about it
I'm[C]I'm still in my bed, I'm[G]I'm still in my
(Be[C](Bed about it, bed[Am]bed about it)
B[C]But I'm still, I'm [Am]still
I'm[A]I'm still in my bed


Song information

Sabrina Carpenter AAmCDG Pop
Vote rhythm