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Glycerine - Bush - Bush
2 days ago

The Wolf and the Sheep Approved

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Capo 1
[Am] [F] [G] [E]
Everybody has to get old[Am]older
Even Jen[F]Jenny
She's just 1[C]19
Young and nai[E]naive
She wants to find a way to be endle[Am]endless
Fight the scie[F]science
In defianc[C]defiance
And be timele[E]timeless
[F]Silly little girl who tried to live forever
[G]live f[Am]forever
[Am]Gave away her soul
to buy a bit of pleasure
Oh the b[G]bitter [F]pleasure
[F]Wicked little boy who
tried to steal her treasure
For the b[G]bitter p[Am]pleasure
[Am]Now their cursed forever
[G]Cursed t[F]together
[F]And if you could see
The look in [G]her [Am]eyes
[Am]The wolf wore the sheep
As the p[G]perfect d[F]disguise
[F]And she can't believe
That she fell for [G]his l[Am]lies
[Am]He promised forever
But she never [G]knew the [F]price
[F]He promised forever
But she never [G]knew the [Am]price
[Am]He promised forever
But she never [G]knew the [F]price
[F] [G] [E]
Verse 2
And as she got a little bit o[Am]older
Look at [F]Jenny
Now she's [C]90
She looks [E]19
And all she knows to do is survi[Am]survive and
Stay aliv[F]alive and
Now she's [C]crying
Cause she's not d[E]dying
[F]Silly little girl who tried to live forever
[G]live f[Am]forever
[Am]Gave away her soul to
buy a bit of pleasure
Oh the b[G]bitter [F]pleasure
[F]Wicked little boy who
tried to steal her treasure
For the b[G]bitter p[Am]pleasure
[Am]Now their cursed forever
[G]Cursed t[F]together
[F]And if you could see
The look in [G]her [Am]eyes
[Am]The wolf wore the sheep
As the p[G]perfect d[F]disguise
[F]And she can't believe
That she fell for [G]his l[Am]lies
[Am]He promised forever
But she never [G]knew the [F]price
[F]He promised forever
But she never [G]knew the [Am]price
[Am]He promised forever
But she never [G]knew the [F]price
[F]Pr[G]Pric[Am]ice [Am] [G] [F] [(for] [as] [long] [as] [you] [want)]
[F]Silly little girl who tried to live forever
[G]live f[Am]forever
[Am]Gave away her soul to
buy a bit of pleasure
Oh the b[G]bitter [F]pleasure
[F]Wicked little boy who
tried to steal her treasure
For the b[G]bitter p[Am]pleasure
[Am]Now their cursed forever
[G]Cursed t[F]together
[F]And if you could see
The look in [G]her [Am]eyes
[Am]The wolf wore the sheep
As the p[G]perfect d[F]disguise
[F]And she can't believe
That she fell for [G]his l[Am]lies
[Am]He promised forever
But she never [G]knew the [F]price
[F]He promised forever
But she never [G]knew the [Am]price
[Am]He promised forever
But she never [G]knew the [F]price
[F] [G] [Am]


Song information

Alec Benjamin (Key Bbm) (Link)
Alec Benjamin AmCEFG Pop
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