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One Of These Days Approved

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[Am] [F] [C] [Am] [F] [C]
Verse 1
[Am] You think you're [F]ready [C]
But you've got too much on your mind [Am]
[F]Too much left to [C]prove
[Am] No easy answ[F]answers
[C]You've got to work it out yoursel[Am]yourself
[F]You won't hear anyone but y[C]you
The m[Dm]moment you stop lookin[Em]looking
Wherever you [Am]go, you'll be [F]in the right [C]place
You'll never [Am]know the d[F]difference it [C]makes
When you let [Am]go, and giv[F]give up your ch[C]chance
I'll come find [Am]you one o[F]of these day[C]days
Verse 2
[Am] We've got potentia[F]potential
[C]But it's the future you and me [Am]
W[F]When the coast is c[C]cleared
[Am] You see the sunris[F]sunrise
[C]I see your soul shine through to your ey[Am]eyes
[F]When you're here[C]here
The m[Dm]moment you stop look[Em]looking
Wherever you [Am]go, you'll be i[F]in the right [C]place
You'll never k[Am]now the dif[F]ference it m[C]akes
When you let [Am]go, and g[F]give up your c[C]chance
I'll come find [Am]you o[F]one of these da[C]days
[Am] [F] [C] [Am] [F] [C]
[Am] [F] [C] [Am] [F] [C]
The m[Dm]moment you stop l[Em]looking
Yeah, the m[Dm]moment you stop l[Em]looking
Wherever you [Am]go, you'll be [F]in the right p[C]place
You'll never k[Am]now the d[F]ifference it ma[C]kes
When you let [Am]go, and [F]give up your ch[C]chance
I'll come find [Am]you [F]one of these d[C]days
I'll come find [Am]you [F]one of these d[C]days
I'll come find [Am]you [F]one of these d[C]days


Song information

Vance Joy (Key Am) (Link)
Vance Joy AmCDmEmF Pop Ballad
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