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Waiting for approve

mad woman x no body, no crime - Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift
3 days ago
So Long, London x The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived - Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift
16 hours ago
In My Head - Bedroom - Bedroom
6 hours ago

Red Eye Approved

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[E] [F#m] [A] [E] [F#m] [A]
Verse 1
[E] She [F#m]don't like smal[A]small places
Give her [E]highways and byways and [F#m]don't get stuck in her head[A]head
[E] And [F#m]its been so [A]long
And [E]I will read into [F#m]everything you don't say[A]say Oh, in your silent ways
I'm a [E]dog lying down on a [F#m]warm bit of pavement
[A]Checking this collar you see what the name is
[E]Figured it's worth it, well I [F#m]hope that you're right
You're [A]falling asleep on the red eye tonight
[A]And you know that you're lookin[E]looking well[F#m]well
[A] Won't you come through my door asking[E]asking how was your day[F#m]day
[A] Well you know that I'm still a[E]a Dog [F#m]
[A] And I'm trusting my nose will it show[E]show me the way [F#m]
Verse 2
[E] I'm [F#m]glad that you're still[A]still here
Won't you [E]hold up a candle I'm [F#m]stumbling in the dark [A]
[E] And [F#m]when I needed[A]needed hope
I [E]remind myself that a[F#m]at least I got one thing right [A]
It'll always be right
I'm a [E]dog lying down on a [F#m]warm bit of pavement
[A]Checking this collar you see what the name is
[E]Figured it's worth it, well I[F#m]I hope that you're right
You?re [A]falling asleep on the red eye tonight
And you know that you're lookin[E]looking well[F#m]well
[A] Won't you come through my door asking [E]how was your day [F#m]
[A] And you know that I'm still un[E]under [F#m]
[A] And I'm trusting my nose will it s[E]show me the way [F#m]
[A] Won't you get out while you [E]can [F#m]
[A] Won't you cover your eyes if you're [E]tired of seeing [F#m]
[A] Won't you get out while you [E]can [F#m]
[A] And try saving yourself
[E] [F#m] [A] [E] [F#m] [A]
Let's talk in the [E]morning [F#m]
[A] Oh baby it's late can we talk in the [E]morning[F#m]morning (x3)
[A] Oh baby it's late, Baby it's late
[E] (Tell me[F#m]me when, tell me [A]when) (x4)


Song information

Vance Joy (Key A) (Link)
N/A AEF#m Pop Ballad
Vote rhythm