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Moderate > Approval queue > Mount Everest

Waiting for approve

mad woman x no body, no crime - Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift
3 days ago
So Long, London x The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived - Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift
10 hours ago

Mount Everest Approved

This song is approved and moved to home page. Go to song
Verse 1
[Dm]Mount Everest ain't got shit on me
[Dm]Mount Everest ain't got shit on me
[Gm]Cause I'm on top of the world
[Bb]I'm on top of the world, yeh
[Dm]Burj Dubai ain't got shit on me
[Dm]You could touch the
sky but you ain't got shit on me
[Gm]Cause I'm on top of the world
[Bb]I'm on top of the world
[Gm]Sweet, [Bb]sweet (x2)
[Dm](Tell em)
I burn down my house and build it up again
[Dm](Tell em)
I burn it down twice just for the fun of it
[Gm](Tell em)
Soo much money I do[Bb]don't know what to do with it
([Dm](Tell em)
I don't pick up my phone
ain't no one worth the time
([Dm](Tell em)
I got me one gun and an alibi
([Gm](Tell em)
So much love that the [Bb]whole thing feel like a lie
[Dm]I don't need nobody
[Dm]I don't need nobody
[Dm]I don't need nobody
[Dm]I don't need nobody
[Dm]I don't need nobody
[Dm]I don't need nobody
[Gm](To save me)
(Sweet, [Bb]Sweet)
[Dm]Mount Everest ain't got shit on me


Song information

Labrinth (Key Dm) (Link)
Labrinth BbDmGm Pop
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