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Breaking The Habit Approved

This song is approved and moved to home page. Go to song
[Em] [C] [Bm] [Em] [C] [Bm]
(Play Em Throughout Verse)
Memories consume
Like opening the wound
I'm picking me apart again
You all assume
I'm safe here in my room
Unless I try to start again
[C]I don't want to be the one
The [C]battles always choose
Cuz [C]inside I realize
That [C]I'm the one confused
[Em]I don't know what's worth [C]fighting for
Or [Bm]why I have to scream
[Em]I don't know why I instigate [C]
And[Bm]And say what I don't mean
[Em]I don't know how I got this[C]this way
I [Bm]know it's not alright
So I'm [C]breaking the [D]habit
I'm [C]breaking the [D]habit to[Em]tonight
(Play Em Throughout Verse)
Clutching my cure
I tightly lock the door
I try to catch my breath again
I heard much more
Than anytime before
I have no options left again
[C]I don't want to [Am]be the one
The [C]battles always choose
Cuz [C]inside I [Am]realize
That [C]I'm the one confused
I d[Em]don't know what's worth f[C]fighting for
Or [Bm]why I have to scream
[Em]I don't know why I instigate [C]
And [Bm]say what I don't mean
I [Em]don't know how I [C]got this way
I'll [Bm]never be alright
So, [C]I'm breaking the [D]habit
I'm [C]breaking the [D]habit t[Em]tonight
I[Em]I'll paint it on the walls[Dadd9/F#]walls
[G]Cuz I'm the one at [Am]fault
[Em]I'll never fight a[Dadd9/F#]again
[G]And this is how it [Am]ends
I d[Em]don't know what's worth f[C]fighting for
Or [Bm]why I have to scream
But [Em]now I have some [C]clarity
to [Bm]show you what I mean
I [Em]don't know how I [C]got this way
I'll [Bm]never be alright
So, I'm [C]breaking the [D]habit
I'm [C]breaking the [D]habit
I'm [C]breaking the [D]habit to[Em]tonight


Song information

Linkin Park (Key Em) (Link)
Linkin Park AmBmCDDadd9EmF#G US-UKRock
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