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Masters Of War Approved

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CAPO on 4th fret
[Am7]Come you masters of war, you that[G]that build all the [Am7]guns
You that[G]that build the death [Am7]planes, you that[G] build all the[Am7] bombs
You that[G]that hide behind [Am7]walls, you that[G]that hide behind [Am7]desks
I just want you to[C]to know I can [G]see through your[Am7]your masks.
[Am7]You that never done nothing, but[G]but build to destr[Am7]destroy
[G]You play with my w[Am7]orld like it's[G] your little t[Am7]oy
[G]Put a gun in my h[Am7]ands and you[G] hide from my ey[Am7]es
And you turn and run[C]run farther as [G]the fast bullets f[Am7]fly.
[Am7]Like Judas of old, you[G]you lie and decei[Am7]deceive
[Am7]A world war can be won, y[G]you want me to believ[Am7]believe
[Am7]But I see through your eyes and I s[G]see through your bra[Am7]brain
Like I see through the[C] water that[G] runs down my drain[Am7].
[Am7]You fasten all the triggers for the[G]the others to fi[Am7]fire
Then you [G]set back and [Am7]watch as the[G]the death count gets higher[Am7]higher
You [G]hide in your [Am7]mansion, while [G]young people's [Am7]blood
Flows out of their[C] bodies and is[G] buried in the mud[Am7].
[Am7]You've thrown the worst fear that[G]that can ever be hurle[Am7]hurled
Fear to bring children[G]children into the wo[Am7]world
For threatening my baby, [G]unborn and un[Am7]unnamed
Well you ain't worth the[C] blood that[G] runs in your veins[Am7].
[Am7]How much do I know to[G]to talk out of [Am7]turn
You might say that I'm young, you[G]you might say I'm un[Am7]unlearned
But there's one thing I know though [G]I'm younger than you[Am7]you
That even Jesus wo[C]uld never fo[G]rgive what you do.[Am7]
[Am7]Let me ask you one question, is[G]is your money that g[Am7]good?
Will it buy you forgiveness? D[G]Do you think that it co[Am7]could?
I think you will find when your[G]your death takes its t[Am7]toll
All the money you[C] made will never buy[G] back your so[Am7]ul.
[Am7]And I hope that you die and your[G]your death will come s[Am7]soon
I will follow your casket in the[G]the pale afterno[Am7]afternoon
And I'll watch while you're lowered, down to your death[Am7]deathbed
And I'll stand over your[C] grave to make s[G]ure that you're d[Am7]ead.


Song information

Ed Sheeran (Key C#m) (Link)
Ed Sheeran Am7CG US-UK
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