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Im In Love With The Coco Approved

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Capo 3.
[Em] [C] [Em] [C] [D]
[Em] I'[C]I'm in love with the co[Em]coco [C]
[Em] I'[C]I'm in love with the co[Em]coco [C] [D]
[Em] I [C]got it for the low lo[Em]low [C]
[Em] I'[C]m in love with the co[Em]co...[C]
[Em] Hi[C]Hit my plug, that's my ch[Em]cholo [C]
[Em] [C] he got it for the l[Em]low lo[C]low
[Em] If[C]If you snitchin' I go loc[Em]loco [C]
[Em] Hi[C]Hit you with that treinta [Em]ocho [C]
[Em]if yo[C]u thinkin' that I'[Em]m sol[C]o
[Em] Fi[C]Fifty deep, they're like "oh[Em]"oh no" [C]
[Em] I he[C]heard the feds takin' pho[Em]photos [C]
[Em] I [C]know nothing, fuck the po'[Em]po' po' [C]
[Em] Ba[C]Bakin' soda, I got bakin' so[Em]soda
[Em] Ba[C]Bakin' soda, I got bakin' so[Em]soda
[Em] Wh[C]Whip it through the glass [Em]man
[Em] I'[C]I'm blowin' money fast, de[Em]dent
[Em] I'[C]m in love with the co[Em]co...[C]
[Em] I g[C]got it for the low low[Em]low [C]
[Em] I'm [C]in love with the coco[Em]coco... [C]
[Em] I [C]got it for the low lo[Em]low [C]
[Em] 36[C]36, That's a ki[Em]kilo [C]
[Em] Ne[C]Need a brick, miss my free t[Em]throw [C]
[Em] I'[C]I'm in love, just like Ne[Em]Ne-Yo [C]
[Em] Bu[C]Bustin' bustin', now he [Em]Neo [C]
[Em] Fr[C]ee my homies, not the[Em] C.O.[C]
[Em] ano[C]ther judge, not my[Em] P.O.[C]
[Em] Al[C]All this coke like I'm N[Em]Nino [C]
[Em] Wa[C]Water whip like I'm Ne[Em]Nemo [C]
[Em] Ba[C]Bakin' soda, I got bakin' so[Em]soda
[Em] Ba[C]Bakin' soda, I got bakin' so[Em]soda
[Em] Wh[C]Whip it through the glass [Em]man
[Em] I'[C]I'm blowin' money fast, de[Em]dent
[Em] I'm [C]in love with the coco[Em]coco... [C]
[Em] I g[C]got it for the low low[Em]low [C]
[Em] I'm [C]in love with the coco[Em]coco... [C]
[Em] I [C]got it for the low lo[Em]low [C]


Song information

Ed Sheeran (Key Gm) (Link)
Ed Sheeran CDEm US-UK
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