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Moderate > Approval queue > The Greatest Showman - Rewrite The Stars

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2 days ago

The Greatest Showman - Rewrite The Stars Approved

This song is approved and moved to home page. Go to song
Capo on 3rd fret
Zac Efron
[G]You know I want you
[G]It's not a secret I try to hide
[G]I know you want me
So don't keep saying our h[G]hands are [C]tied
[D/F#]You claim it's not in the[Em]the cards
But fate is pulling you [C]miles away
And out of reach from [D/F#]me
But you're here in my [Em]heart
So who can stop me if [C]I decide
That you're my destiny?
Zac Efron
What if we r[Em]rewrite the s[C]stars?
Say you were [G]made to be [D/F#]mine
Nothing could [Em]keep us [C]apart
You'd be the [G]one I was meant to[D/F#]to find
It's up to y[Em]you, and it's up to[C]to me
No one can s[G]say what we get [D/F#]to be
So why don't we r[Em]rewrite the [C]stars?
Maybe the w[G]world could be [D/F#]ours
[G]You think it's easy
[G]You think I don't want to run to you
[G]But there are mountains
[G]And there are
doors that we can't walk through
[D/F#]I know you're wondering [Em]why
Because we're able to [C]be
Just you and me
Within these [D/F#]walls
But when we go[Em]go outside
You're going to wake up and [C]
see that it was hopeless after[D]after all
No one can re[Em]rewrite the[C]the stars
How can you [G]say you'll be[D/F#]be mine?
Everything k[Em]keeps us[C]us apart
And I'm not the [G]one you were meant to [D/F#]find
It's not up to y[Em]you
It's not up to[C]to me
When everyone [G]tells us what we can[D/F#]can be
How can we r[Em]rewrite the [C]stars?
Say that the [G]world can b[D/F#]be ours
Zac Efron and Zendaya
[Em]All I want is to[C]to fly with you
[G]All I want is to[D/F#]to fall with you
[Em]So just give me [Bm]all of y[C]you
[C]It feels impossible
(Zac Efron)
[C]It's not impossible
[C]Is it impossible?
Say that it's [C]possible
Zac Efron and Zendaya
How do we re[Em]rewrite the[C]the stars?
Say you were [G]made to be[D/F#]be mine?
Nothing can [Em]keep us[C]us apart
Cause you are the [G]one I was meant to[D/F#]to find
It's up to y[Em]you
And it's up to[C]to me
No one can [G]say what we get t[D/F#]to be
And why don't we r[Em]rewrite the [C]stars?
Changing the w[G]world to b[D/F#]be ours
[G]You know I want you
[G]It's not a secret I try to hide
[G]But I can't have you
[G]We're bound to break and
[G]My hands are tied


Song information

Zac EfronZendaya BmCDEmF#G US-UK