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Moderate > Approval queue > Little Things

Waiting for approve

mad woman x no body, no crime - Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift
2 days ago

Little Things Approved

This song is approved and moved to home page. Go to song
G C Em D C D G
Verse 1
Your h[G]hand fits in mine
Like it's m[G]made just for me
But b[C]bear this in mind
It was[C]was meant to be
And I'm [Em]joining up the dots
With the fr[D]freckles on your cheeks
And it [C]all makes s[D]sense to m[G]me
I kn[G]know you've never loved
The cr[G]crinkles by your eyes
When you sm[C]smile,
You've never loved
Your st[C]stomach or your thighs
The d[Em]dimples in your back
At the b[D]bottom of your spine
But I'll l[C]ove them e[D]ndlessl[G]y
[Am] I won't let these little th[C]things
Slip [Em]out of my mouth[D]mouth
But if I [Am]do
It's y[C]you
Oh it's y[Em]you
They add up [D]to
I'm in l[C]love with you
And all these little th[G]things
Verse 2
[G]You can’t go to bed
With[G]Without a cup of tea
And m[C]maybe that's the reason
That you ta[C]talk in your sleep
And a[Em]all those conversations
Are the s[D]secrets that I keep
Though it m[C]akes no s[D]ense to m[G]e
I k[G]know you've never loved
The so[G]sound of your voice on
Tap[C]Tape, you never want to
K[C]Know how much you weigh
[Em]You still have to squeeze
Int[D]Into your jeans
But y[C]ou're perf[D]ect to m[G]e
[Am] I won't let these little th[C]things
Slip o[Em]out of my m[D]mouth
But if it's t[Am]true
It's y[C]you
Oh it's y[Em]you
They add up t[D]to
I'm in l[C]love with you
And all these little things
[Am] You'll never l[C]love yourself
Half as [Em]much as I love y[D]you
[Am] You'll never tr[C]treat yourself right d[G]darlin'
But I w[D]want you to
[Am] If I let you k[C]kno-o-o-w
I'm h[G]here for y[D]you
[Am] Maybe you'll l[C]l
ove yourself like [Em]I love y[D]you. Oh..
[Am] And I've just let these little t[C]things
Slip [Em]out of my m[D]mouth
'cause it's y[Am]you
Oh it's y[C]you
It's [Em]you
They add up [D]to
And I'm in l[C]love with you
And all these little things
[Am] I won't let these little th[C]things
Slip [Em]out of my mo[D]mouth
But if it's t[Am]true
It's y[C]you
it's [Em]you
They add up [D]to
I'm in l[C]love with you
And all your little th[G]things.


Song information

One Direction AmCDEmG Ballad
Slow Rock