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How am I supposed to live without you Approved

This song is approved and moved to home page. Go to song
Intro: [G] [Bm] [C] [Am] [Bm]
1. [G] I could heartly belive it when I [D7] heard the news today
I [C] had to come and get it straight from [G] you
They said you where leaving someone [D7] sweapt you heart away
From that [C] look on your face I say it's [D7] true
So [Bm] tell me all about it, tell me about the plans your [C] making
[Am] Tell me one thing [Em] more before I [D7] go
Chorus: Tell me [C] how am I supposed to live with-[Bm] out you
[C] Now that I've been loving you so [Bm] long
[C] How am I supposed to live with-[Bm] out you
And [Am] how am I sup-[C] posed to carry [D7] on
When [Am] all that I've been [D7] living for is [G] gone
2. [G] To tired for crying, didn't [D7] come her to break down
It's just a [C] dream of mine that's comming to an [G] end
And how can I play now, when I [D7] build my world around
Hope that [C] one day we'd be so much more than [D7] friends.
[Bm] I don't wanna know the price I'm gonna pay for [C] dreaming
[Am] Even now it's [Em] more than I can [D7] take


Song information

Michael Bolton (Key Bb) (Link)
Laura Branigan (Key Bb) (No link)
Doug JamesMichael Bolton AmBmCD7EmG
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