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KylieSem - KylieSem - KylieSem
16 hours ago
KylieSem - KylieSem - KylieSem
6 hours ago

A hard day's night Approved

This song is approved and moved to home page. Go to song
It's been a [G] hard [C] day's [G] night
And I've been [F] working like a [G] dog
It's been a hard [C] day's [G] night
I should be [F] sleeping like a [G] log
But when I [C] get home to you
I find the [D] things that you do
Will make me [G] feel [C] all [G] right
You know I [G] work [C] all [G] day
To get you [F] money to buy you [G] things
And it's worth it just to [C] hear you [G] say
“You're gonna [F] give me every [G] thing”
So why on [C] earth should I moan
'Cause when I [D7] get you alone
You know I [G] feel [C] all [G] right
When I'm [Bm] home
[Em] Everything seems to be [Bm] right
When I'm [G] home
[Em] Feeling you holding me [C] tight, [D7] tight, yeah
It's been a [G] hard [C] day's [G] night
And I've been [F] working like a [G] dog
It's been a hard [C] day's [G] night
I should be [F] sleeping like a [G] log
But when I [C] get home to you
I find the [D] things that you do
Will make me [G] feel [C] o [G] kay, oh!


Song information

The Beatles (Key G) (Link)
The Beatles BmCDD7EmFG
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