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Jacob Collier

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Verse 1: B There's a world where I can go to Amaj7 Gbm7 B Tell my se - crets to Abm7
Tobi, 11 / 10, 2022 A A7 Ab7 Abm Abm7 Abmaj7 Am7 Amaj7 B Bbm Bbm7 Bmaj7 C Cmaj7 D7 D7sus4 Dbm Dbm7 E E7 E7sus4 Eb Eb7 Ebm7 Em7 Emaj7 F Fm7 Fmaj7 G Gb Gb7 Gb7sus4 Gbm7 Gbsus4 Gm7 Gmaj7 1,248