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Intro: [F#m] I just [A] had a lil' bit too much of Hennessy Just gotta tell you how I feel Vers
Chord Imperfect, 15 / 02, 2018 A B C#m E F#m 6,122
<Chorus> [D]Hey Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful [F#]angel Love your imperfections ever
Chord Imperfect, 6 / 08, 2018 A Bm D F# G Gm 5,882
Intro [Em9]This my [A13] baby [Dmaj9] This my [B7] Look Verse1 Touchin' you [Em9]slowly,
Tobi, 23 / 09, 2019 A13 B7 Dmaj9 Em9 4,734