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Join date: 22/03/2023


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Posted songs of Venna

[C][C][Em][Em] [C][C][Em][Em] [C]Run past the rivers, run past all the [Em]light Feel it [C]cra
Venna, 10 / 05, 2023 C Dsus4 Em 2,572
[G]M’n raam open, m’n voet op het pedaal en ik ga [C]Ik blijf rijden, alleen naar voren kijken [E
Venna, 10 / 05, 2023 Bm C Em G 1,832
[Em][D][Em][D][Em][D][Em] [D]You got me [Em]thinking [D]I’m really [Em]thinking [D]Don’t want
Venna, 1 / 05, 2023 Am C D Em G 967
[C]Donkere nachten, harde [G]geluiden, pijnlijke [C]woorden Zonder [F]te praten viel ik [G]naast jo
Venna, 26 / 04, 2023 Am C Dm F Fm G 1,412
[Am][C][G][F] [Am]Het is al [C]laat, maar ik kan wel [G]komen [F] [Am]De tweede [C]bel, dan de t
Venna, 25 / 04, 2023 Am C F G 2,536
[Am][Am][Am][Am] [Am]Half vier in de morgen, [F]is het al zo laat, hij loopt [E]haastig naar zi
Venna, 25 / 04, 2023 Am E F G 1,350
[G]You’re my bulletproof vest when it’s getting dangerous [Em]Always made me feel blessed, you’re
Venna, 17 / 04, 2023 Am7 C D Em G 2,951
[Em][G][D][Am] [Em][G][D] [Em]Sorry for the [G]road that I won’t [D]take For the [Am]words th
Venna, 16 / 04, 2023 Am C Csus2 D Em G 1,692
[Am]Weet je nog dat jij me zei dat wij nooit zouden [G]vluchten als een van [D]ons [Am]Loopt door
Venna, 7 / 04, 2023 Am C D Em G 1,938
[C][G][C][G] [C]Yes, I understand that every life must end, uh[G]-huh [C]As we sit alone, I know
Venna, 7 / 04, 2023 Am C Dm F G G7 2,306