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Join date: 25/07/2024


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Favorite of Reese

Intro G G Gsus2 G Gsus4 Chorus G Christ is my firm foundation E
Tobi, 4 / 08, 2022 Am7 C C/E Cmaj7 D D/f# Em G G/b Gsus2 Gsus4 3,747
[Cadd9]We chase misprinted [Em]lies [G] [D] [Cadd9]We face the path of [Em]time [G] [D] [Cad
Chord Imperfect, 15 / 03, 2017 Cadd9 D Em G 4,252
Verse 1: C This isn't what you want, it's only how you feel F You
Tobi, 12 / 09, 2024 Am C F G 4,733
F G 4x F G F G Now here you go again, you say you want
Tobi, 20 / 02, 2020 Am F Fmaj7 G G6 5,894
I [C] heard there was a [Am] secret chord That [C] David played and it [Am] pleased the lord But [
Tobi, 16 / 08, 2019 Am C E F G 12,485
(Verse 1) D Gmaj7 I want you to know Bm I'm a mirrorball Gmaj7
Tobi, 23 / 08, 2020 Bm D G Gmaj7 9,385
D C Em [D] Looking out the door [C] [Em] I see the rai
Emma f, 11 / 04, 2023 A Bm C D Em F F# G Gm 7,075
[Intro] Em D A Em D A [Verse] Em D A Em D A I
Tobi, 28 / 08, 2019 A Bm D Em G 3,850
Verse 1 Am Em F C/E Everybody loves the things you do
Bui Nhu Sy, 19 / 08, 2019 Ab Am B C Dm E Em F Fm G Gsus4 10,856
Intro G Em C G D Verse 1 G Em Guess I'll end this life alone C
Tobi, 24 / 08, 2024 Am B7 Bm C Cm D Em F G G/f# 2,711