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Join date: 15/02/2020


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Favorite of Salt Moji

Verse Am Everybody has to get older F Even Jenny
Bui Nhu Sy, 7 / 09, 2019 Am C E F G 2,377
Verse 1 [C] Don't be that way Fall apart[G] twice a day I just [Am] wish you could feel what you
Chord Imperfect, 8 / 01, 2018 Am B C D Em G 38,165
[Verse1] C Let me tell you a story F About a boy and a girl
Tobi, 2 / 02, 2020 Am C Em7 F G G6 7,070
Intro F Am Dm Bbmaj7 Bbm Verse1 F Am I still remember, thir
Tobi, 6 / 05, 2020 Am Bbm Bbmaj7 Dm F 19,811
[Verse] Fmaj7 Fm C Fmaj7 Often I am upset that I cannot fal
Tobi, 26 / 02, 2020 Am C D F Fm Fmaj7 4,160
Verse C She told me that she loved me by the water fountain Am She told me that she love
Bui Nhu Sy, 7 / 09, 2019 Am C D G 5,475