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Playlists > valentinabenzel3

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The way i loved you - Taylor Swift
Intro D A Em G Gm D A Em G A Verse 1 D
sara stefanova, 7 / 09, 2021 at 11:33pm A D Em G Gm 14,666
Illicit Affairs - Taylor Swift
(Intro) A F#m D E (Verse 1) A F#m Make sure nobody sees you lea
Tobi, 11 / 08, 2020 at 09:48pm A C#m D E F#m 12,567
Seven - Taylor Swift
Verse 1 [A]Please picture [Em]me in the [D]trees I hit my [A]peak at seven [A]Feet in the [Em]sw
Tobi, 30 / 07, 2020 at 11:44pm A Bm D Em G 12,250
Playlist information
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  20 / 11, 2024 at 12:42am