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Mine Again

Zach Bryan G Vote rhythm

New versions

4 months ago
Tone: [G]
[G] [C] [G] [Em] [D] [G] [G] [C]
[G] [Em] [D] [G]
Verse 1:
You are [G]mine again
Every mis[C]mistake that you made
[G] All the peo[Em]people that you saved[D]saved took a little piece of [G]you with them
You are [G]mine again
And I'm so[C]so damn glad you're here[G]here
Talkin' strong,[Em]strong, sober, and clear[D]clear like you couldn't back [G]then
Verse 2:
How many [G]sad songs it take to get your [C]stubborn ass awake?
[G] What final[Em]ly got you ris[D]in' from your bed?[G]
Was it the [G]sunset on her cheeks leadin' down to a [C]delicate collar bone[G]bone
Or the judge[Em]ment of your mind[D] when you're alone?[G]
[C]Mine again,[G]again, fondest friend[D]friend where the hell you [Em]been?
I've been [C]strugglin'[G]strugglin' to get back to [D]you
And if you [C]fight all night[G] I'm sure you'll gain[D] the guts to try[Em]
[C] To get past the things[G]things that you've been through[D]through
'Cause [C]no one plays it cool[G]cool quite the way you[D]you do
[G] [C] [G] [Em] [D] [G]
Verse 3:
Are those [G]tires you got still turnin'?
Is that [C]spirit you had still burn[G]burnin'?
Do you[Em] still talk that xxxx[D] the way you did before?[G]
All the [G]women and the wages and the wars[C]wars that I've been wa[G]wagin'
I [Em]just don't feel like [D]fightin' anymore[G]anymore
[C]Mine again,[G]again, fondest friend[D]friend where the hell you [Em]been?
I've been [C]strugglin'[G]strugglin' to get back to [D]you
And if you [C]fight all night[G] I'm sure you'll gain[D] the guts to try[Em]
[C] To get past the things[G]things that you've been through[D]through
'Cause [C]no one plays it cool[G]cool quite the way you[D]you do
[G]Mine[C]Mine again[G]again
So head[Em] back home and be who[D] you know you can[G]
[G]Mine[C]Mine again[G]again
So don't be[Em]be so cruel and play [D]God with all his plans[G]plans
Well I am [G]mine again
Every mis[C]mistake that I made
[G] And I [Em]ain't ashamed to [D]say who the hell I [G]am
'Cause I am [G]mine again
And I'm so[C]so damn glad I'm here[G]here
Talking strong,[Em] sober, and clear[D] like I couldn't back[G] then

