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The Dark

Ethan Jewell Em Vote rhythm

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3 months ago
Tone: [Em]
[Em] [C] [D]
I cry alone in the ni[Em]night so you don't have to see my tears [D]
And I'm the most unstable when I'm controlled by my fears
I [Cmaj7]hate how my body is so I[C]I avoid these mirrors
And I'm not so happy, things aren't always as they appear
The fog is [Em]slowly gone and it's becoming all so clear
The version[D]version of my happy self is no longer near
Feeling th[C]this way for the entirety of a year
So I listen as the sadness whispers things in my ears
I [Em]rip myself away into a lonely empty hole
And you t[D]take yourself away as I sell my whole soul
Diggi[Cmaj7]Digging into this deprеssion like a cr[C]crying little mole
I fall down an еternal fireman's pole
Drivin[Em]Driving on this road alone it's already 3 am
My headlights[D]headlights try their best to push through the dark I'm trapped in
But the [Cmaj7]ghosts of the past stand ahead my racing car
They creep and they haunt and keep my tho[C]thoughts and me from going all too f[Em]far
My emotional comfort runs full out of gas
And I'm st[D]stuck here in the cold wonder how long I can last
So I b[C]bang my head to get the demons out upon the shattered glass
Hoping I won't survive this mental bash
I hik[Em]hike down this path and arrive at the witch's altar
I bow[D]bow and worship this sadness that has become my martyr
She whi[C]whispers in my ear why have you done this and what have you done
Why couldn't you have made the right choice for once
So I sc[Em]scream and I sob and I fall into this hole
My breath lea[D]leaves my chest as I hit the worm filled soil
I see the st[C]stars and they tell me I don't deserve my soul
And let me tell you it's real xxxxing hard to get out of a hole when they take
When they take, when they take away your rope
They sell happiness all wrapped inside a pill
So I keep wri[D]writing these poems just to feel something still
This can't be happ[G]happening, no this can't be real
But I condem[C]condemned myself to this place, myself I have sealed
So I sp[Em]sprint in the dark to shrivel up all by myself
And I look at all these[D]these people, how we're all unkept
Secrets[G]Secrets from my past come rising to the top
And one day I'll th[C]throw myself off the ledge in order to make it stop
[Em]And they sell joy all wrapped inside a pill
Our own unique[D]unique character our consumption will slowly kill
Just swa[G]swallow it down before you break the rules too hard
And stay ri[C]right there, stay inside your own backyard
I want to le[Em]leave this place, and never return
I want to le[D]leave this place, take my past and let it burn
I want to lea[C]leave this place, and leave no rock unturned
Until one day I can make it stop
Yeah I can make it [Em]stop
[D] [C] [Em] [D] [C] [G]
[C] [G]

