Love of the son
Verse 1:
[Bm]Came back a[E]again
To [Bm]make it cl[E]clear that
[G]He never s[C]said it would m[Gb]meet demand
[Bm]Shame on a ma[E]martyr
[Bm]Claiming fri[E]friends from
[G]Either pers[A]perspective of [B]&
Chorus 1:
[Em]Weak & Strong &
[B]Wet & Dry &
[Em7]Right & W[A7]Wrong &
[B]Live & Die &
[Em]Sane & Gone &
[B]Love & Not &
[Em7]All the [Am7]&s that [C]we fo[B]forgot so
Verse 2:
[Bm]Sing while you h[E]hear it
[Bm]Don't den[E]deny it
[G]Leave if you c[F]c
an't stand the th[Gb]thought of it
[Bm]Come back a[E]again
To [Bm]make things s[E]stand
With [G]no disres[A]disrespect to the [B]&
Chorus 2:
[Em]High & Low &
[B]New & Old &
[Em7]Stop & [A7]Go &
[B]Hot & Cold &
[Em]John & Yoko
[B]Dark & Light
It's al[C]most t[Em]ime to
say goodn[B]ight to it
[B] [Dbm] [B] [Dbm] [C] [Gb] [B] [Em] [B] [G] [A] [B] [A]
Verse 3:
[Bm]They took a l[E]lesson
[Bm]From their f[E]fathers
[G]Told them that t[F]they
were the s[Gb]same command
[Bm]Wait for their m[E]minds
To m[Bm]make comp[E]complete
Their l[G]lives stuck b[A]beside every [B]&
Chorus 3:
[Em]Words & Numbers &
[B]Sound & Silence
[Em7]Stop the p[A7]peace &
[B]Keep the violence
[Em]No & Yes &
[B]We digress
[Em]It lives with sad & happiness
Oh [Bbm]God
[Bbm]Big bad Betty of the 'pocalypse
She opens her lips & it g[F]goes like this
[F]When the golden
rule & the jungle meet
[F]There'll be nothing to love &
There'll be [Bbm]no one to beat
[Bbm]Oh the things we know
[Bbm]The things we don't
The things we think
we can w[F]will & won't
We're loath to gather
that nothing's left
We're all together & we're [Bbm]all bereft
[Bm]Capitalists & communists
You did the
hokey-pokey & it w[Gb]went like this
You hate each other &
you love yourselves
It might be heaven & it m[Bm]might be hell
[Bm]Oh the things we do
[Bm]The things we say
[Bm]Oh the things we
wish we could wash away