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Ray Parker Jr. B Vote rhythm

New versions

1 years ago
Tone: [B]
Verse 1:
[B] [A] [E] If there's [B]something strange[A]strange [E]
In your [B]neighborhood[A]neighborhood [E] [B]Who you gonna call?[A] [E]
[B] [A] [E] If there's [B]something weird[A]weird [E] And it [B]
don't look good[A]good [E] [B]Who you gonna call?[A] [E] [B] [A] [E]
[E]I ain't 'fraid of no ghost
[Bm] [A] [Ab5] [E]I ain't 'fraid of no ghost
Verse 2:
[B] [A] [E] If you're [B]seeing things[A]things [E] Running [B]
through your head[A]head [E] [B]Who can you call?[A] [E]
[B] [A] [E] An in[B]invisible man[A]man [E] Sleepin' [B]in your bed[A]
[E]Ow, [B]who you gonna call?[A]call? [E]
[E]I ain't 'fraid of no ghost[Bm]ghost [A] [Ab5]
[E]I ain't 'fraid of no ghost
Verse 3:
[B]Who you gonna call?[A]call? [E] [B] [A] [E] If you're [B]all alone[A]alone
[E] Pick [B]up the phone[A] [E] And [B]call[A] [E] [B] [A] [E]
[A5]I ain't 'fraid of no ghost
Ooh, I hear it likes the girls
Hm, I ain't 'fraid of no ghost
[E5]Yeah, yeah, [A5]yeah, yeah
[B]Who you gonna call?[A]call? [E] [B] [A] Mmm,[E] if[B] you've had a [A]dose [E]of a
[B] Freaky [A]ghost, [E]baby
[B] You better call[A]call [E] [B] Ow![A]Ow! [E]
[Gb5] Lemme tell ya something
Bustin' makes me feel good!
[Bm] [A] [Ab5] [E]I ain't 'fraid of no[Bm]no [A] [Ab5]ghost
I [E]ain't 'fraid of no ghost
[B] [A] [E] [B]Don't get caught a[A]lone oh,[E] no[B] [A]
[E] [B] [A] [E] When it [B]comes through your [A]door[E]
Un[B]Unless you just awant some more[A]more [E]
I [B]think you better call[A]call [E] [B] [A]Ow![E]Ow! [B]Who you gonna call?[A] [E] [B] [A] [E]
[B]Who you gonna call?[A]call? [E] [B] [A] Uh,[E]Uh, [B]think you better call[A] [E]
[B] [A] Ha ha,[E]ha, [B]who you gonna call?[A]call? [E] [B] I can't [A]hear you [E]
[B]Who you gonna call?[A]call? [E] [B] [A] [E] [B]Louder[A]Louder [E] [B] [A] [E] [B]Who you
gonna call?[A] [E] [B] [A] [E] [B]Who can you call?[A] [E]
[B] [A] [E] [B]Who you gonna call?[A]call? [E]

